Month: March 2013

Problems And Prospects Of The Market Tractors

Where currently moving domestic producers and to the full extent if the consumer meets the requirements of manufactured equipment? Domestic manufacturers, to continue to work and develop, must produce equipment that meets not only Russian but also international standards. To do this he must invest in technical development of its production in order to raise product quality, on the one hand, and on the other – to reduce its cost. Unfortunately, most machine-building enterprises (and our factory is not an exception in this series) or have no funds for technical development, or have them a bit. We try to spend money very dosed in the right direction. Initially, we adopt new technologies in dyeing, and then created a new assembly and welding technology. Last year we were engaged in improving the quality of products. Plants need to maintain the technical level and quality of its products – this is one direction.

The second direction – need to improve the product, than we were doing all these years. It is understood that those components of the constructs that are outdated and do not meet the requirements of the present time (eg, hydraulics) shall be replaced by more sophisticated. In the tractor hydraulics technology – one of the main components which defines how its reliability and performance. In Russia and cis countries, modernization of plants producing these products are not carried out and no longer exists companies that have produced it qualitatively. We buy almost all the elements of hydraulics abroad.