Month: July 2013


Said Gandhi (1869-1948) that the difference of opinion is not a reason to hate. On the occasion of the I International Forum of ufology, performed at the ParlMundi, from 7 to 14 December 1997, I expressed follows, in the editorial of the LBV magazine and several newspapers in Brazil and abroad: at the end of this century and Millennium, marked by challenges and notable discoveries and conquests, the initiative to open an ecumenical space is meritorious, without preconceptions, to a serious and independent discussion of UFOlogy. Why not?In its three years of activity, the ParlMundi, which is part of the whole architecture of the Temple of goodwill, the most visited monument of Brasilia, capital of the Brazil promoted numerous congresses, symposia, conferences and debates on health, education, labour, globalization, spirituality, ecology, ethics, technology, world peace, among other important topics. He participated in the celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the was Ufological modern, with the realization of this international meeting. It is known that on any previous occasion there was an event of this genre that could really be considered of global breadth, despite the efforts and commendable of many scholars of UFOlogy groups work in the world.Long ago, the world discusses the existence of the so-called UFOs. Relative to this, the issue is not believing or stop believing in them; but whether these phenomena are real or not. Verification of that reality fits naturally to science. Philosophical position is that you cannot, a priori, deny that possibility, because it would be arrogance on our part to think there is only life here in our dear, However, small planet Earth.About the reality of life is that there is only that to which we are accustomed in this celestial ORB? Or what got feel and see five senses, with our limited (even for the earthly existence) is only real? We should be less pretentious, because there are animals who hear better than us and others who know the atmospheric changes and the geological disorders rather than homo sapiens a physicist talks about humility in science internationally award-winning physicist, Professor at Dartmouth College (USA).UU.), Marcelo Gleiser, during the program ecumenism, in the global TV network of education with spirituality, which went on the air in September of this year, explained brightly: every scientist should have the humility to accept the fact that science has limits and that, of those limits, those issues that can not be explained, everyone has the right to find the answer in the way that want toby reason or faith. Both contribute to make better the human being, to bring more humanity to people.The word of Dr. Gleiser, we can infer that, the day that science pass established borders, not for herself, but by some of the fearful regarding its area of action, humanity will not known more obstacles to perform its remarkable fate of civilized civilization; Therefore, capable of overcoming all the obstacles erected by men, even educated, they need to free themselves from the chains forged by traditional knowledge, so harmful to the great target of creative scientific and religious thinking.(Continued) Original author and source of the article