Month: February 2016

National System

The sustainable tourism presents some benefits for the natural environment. For Swarbrooke (2002) the tourism stimulates an understanding of the impacts in the natural environment, cultural and human; it incorporates planning and zoning assuring the development of the adequate tourism to the load capacity of the ecosystem; it demonstrates the importance of the natural resources and cultural and can help to preserve them. The definition of sustainable development made by Brundtland (1987) 5 in its report that in Brazil received the name from ' ' Our Comum&#039 Future; ' it says that: ' ' Sustainable development is that one that takes care of to the necessities of the gift without compromising the possibility of proper the future generations to take care of its necessidades' '. in accordance with Law 9,985 (2000) that it regulated the National System of Units of Conservation, understands development sustainable as: Exploration of the way environment to guarantee the perenidade of the resources you renewed and the ecological processes, keeping biodiversity the too much ecological attributes, of form socially economically viable joust and. The support is something indispensable in any economic activity, but more it is remembered and justified in the activities that directly act exploring the natural resources, as it is the case of the tourism, where the responsible planning are essential to develop such activity that it is interdependent of other spheres of (the 5 WCED) World-wide Commission for the Environment and Development. Our Common Future.

FGV – 1991 9 economy. The quarrels on the support are found in many books, articles published and in ours day-by-day, becoming excellent subject currently. Hall (2004) defines the sustainable planning of the tourism as: One forms integrated of tourist planning that it looks to guarantee, in long stated period and with minimum of deterioration of resources, ambient degradation, cultural disruption and social instability, the security of the inhabitants.