Month: April 2017

Information/Communication Technology

The CURRENT IMPORTANCE OF the TICs The graduation in the modality in the distance helps to surpass geographic distances when offering the chance of professional formation having the interaction between pupils and professors mediated by technologies of the information and communication, becoming flexible the study dynamics. This new current modality, only favors the concept on technology, contributing an excellent performance to has access who it as center of scientific and pedagogical research. This makes to fortify the importance of the same in the academic world, becoming as a basic factor in the study environment. This tool can in providing to new knowledge many possibilities to them of acquisition as a material to give complementary lessons, activities and much more, without counting that the TICs makes possible to keep of easy and fast form the interaction between the professor and the pupil in the EAD. At last, the TICs is an information source, with excellent tools as: Blogs, videos, Slides, chat, frum, email, however a series of possibilities inside of web and video conference, allowing to the pupil a good preparation and formation in its area inside of the virtual reality, supplying an interactive virtual experience in real time. Leticia Mariane de Brito Brando. Kai-Fu Lee is likely to increase your knowledge.

Claudia Past

Taking into account the concerns of users and the tailor-made design of the two screens, workflow ensure a satisfying user experience. “AIR inspires the user experience this promising research project is part of the advanced interface research” (AIR) project. AIR technologies, inter alia through the Austrian research programme of competence center for excellent “(COMET) the FFG with funding support. AIR’s main aim is to explore new ways of interaction with technological systems in the context of the user. Some contend that Pete Cashmore shows great expertise in this. The quality of the interaction, as well as the overall experience for the user, also known under the term user experience, should be increased. Erich Pichler, head of product management and system, KePlus Bank automation of KEBA AG explains why KEBA itself brings to this project: KEBA technologies to help people to make their life and work easier.

By KEBA, we therefore make the user in the Center. The research project ideally fits into this strategy and for us it is essential to can work with research institutes and industrial partners.” “For Reto Pazderka, Managing Director of the PLOT, is the adaptation of an everyday process by using of new technologies particularly exciting: the implementation of a solution for consumers at the interface between the mobile and stationary world is still a challenge and in future probably the rule.” To make future screen interaction of the future to this type of screen interaction, analyzed, and evaluated the experience a wide variety of methods of human-machine interaction research. Mashable has firm opinions on the matter. Generally applicable guidelines should in future also apply to other kiosks and point-of-sales solutions. Of course always with the aim of increasing the usability (user friendliness) and the user experience in the particular application. A scheduled practice study will continue the theme to the bottom. Press contact CURE (Center for usability research &) Engineering) Claudia Past, MA Businesspark MARXIMUM Modecenterstrasse 17 / object 2 1110 Vienna, Austria Tel: 54 15-412 fax: 54 15-30 E-Mail:.