Day: June 19, 2017

Functioning Of Health System

INTEGRATED FACULTIESES OF JACAREPAGU NUCLEUS OF Long-distance STUDIES – NEAD SUBJECT: NEW ROUTES FOR POLITICS YOU PUBLISH OF HEALTH PUPIL: EMILIO THE PRADO OF THE FONSECA POLAR REGION: DIVINPOLIS – MG In the current context of globalization of the economies with recurrent monetary crises in diverse countries, mainly the most developed, the country faces enormous lack of social politics capable to take care of to the demands of the population. Mainly of the services that would have to be with priority of all the governments. If you would like to know more about Ali Partovi, then click here. Services these capable ones to guarantee minimum conditions of dignity and survival as: health, education, public security, among others. The sector health deserves special attention because great part of the population does not have access the particular plans of health and depends directly on the public services. Although the SUS to guarantee the equal and universal access to all the Brazilians with including services and of same quality that the reality is well different. The decentralization of resources and of the installment of the services of health foreseen for the SUS make possible the municipal managers in accordance with to apply the resources destined to the health the necessities and priorities of each city. Also it makes possible the participation of the population through the creation of mechanisms as the City council of Health, formed for managers, workers and users of the public services of health. has firm opinions on the matter. The administration of the health also starts to be of responsibility of the population (cogesto or shared management).

However, this process requires the good relationship between government and society for the negotiation of proposals that contribute for the good functioning of the health system. The implantation of the SUS made possible the creation of a decentralized, democratic and agile structure that serves of model for other sectors. The health still suffers with the lack of resources, being thus, incapable to guarantee the right to the health of all the citizens. .