Month: March 2018


Although to see and to hear many things in elapsing of the day, still I am surprise and I do not know if this would be optimum term to use, in relation to the behavior of the people. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Pete Cashmore. It is impressive and even though sad to see the ethics lack that comes reigning in the relations human beings in our society. Many people still think, although this being a subject that is very, that the ethical one only exists in the professional relations, en vogue commercial. They do not know that if we will not be ethical with us, we will not obtain to be with excessively. The ethics fit in any situation of our life. The ethics concept cannot be confused with the moral concept. The ethics total are internalizada, constructed in familiar, cultural, academic and affective the environment, in elapsing of the development of the personality.

It is constructed of inside for is (endogenous). Although the moral also to be internalizada and to be constructed, it part of a social group, that will teach to the norms or rules to it of as it will have to function, but does not impose them. moral is constructed of is for inside (exgena). Durkheim appraised moral as ' ' science of costumes' ' , being something that is previous the proper society. No longer agreement of Piaget the individual goes internalizando knowledge and to know, constructing its ethical and moral conscience. However what if it has perceived in the modern world is that these concepts in relation to the ethics and moral had been if losing, taking the people to act of the form that benefits to them, not importing the damages that will be able to cause in the other or itself exactly. The advance of science, of the technology seems to have very contributed for this and there I am obliged to remember Rousseau that placed that ' ' the advance of the civilization provoked the moral retrocession of homem' '.

Professor Andres Crull

In such a way the demand for foods, water and even though vulnerable natural resources comes increasing each time more, reason this to justify so great devastao in the tropical forests, being thus about a question politics. The documentary one calls the attention for the new technological advances that of a side in them brought progressos in the medicine, but on the other hand came to contribute in the devastao of the nature. The author affirms that we must separate the reality of the fiction, therefore the information concerning the destruction of the planet necessary and is based on science, and of some form we as human beings independent of which country we inhabit we must take serious these information. The author makes an essential comment in its set of documents, affirming that the destruction of the planet comes being of gradual form, that is, is suffering with this destruction to the few, feeling the consequences day after day, being this one of the reasons for which we in such a way delay to take the due ones steps. After the exposition of the set of documents, the Professor Andres Crull pronounced a lecture the same approaching subject, affirming that much people believe that the earthquake is a revenge of the land against the man, as if the land was impersonatied.

The professor cites art. 225 of the Federal Constitution, affirming that the Right to the environment is basic, therefore are positivado in the Federal Constitution. Professor also affirms that is basic adoption of new habits for conservation of environment, and that this is a cause awareness joust that must indistinctly be taken by all, therefore must think not only about the current one as well as in the next generations, a proven time that the ambient goods are scarce as it is the example of the water. Andres Crull standes out that perhaps the fact of Al Gore to have lost the election the President of the United States for George W. Bushem is one of the facts most important in the history of the humanity, therefore this fact decided the life of millions of next people per the 50 years becoming it more difficult.

Social Democracy

We have in Brazil, I think to be the only place of the world, where thoughts, the least in the theoretical form, same bore are dealt with as opposing by mere details. If the PSDB is broken of social democracy, the petistas governments is not in nothing far from this! Where it is, then, opposition and situation? This mobile pair that I also think to be trauma of bipolar reading politician. Where it is the great difference, in the last electoral campaign that we follow, it wants to say, that some had folloied? Of a side it was seen social promise of continuity and politics as the car head to arrive itself in a bigger plan. Visit Ali Partovi for more clarity on the issue. Of the other side the same thing with adjustments and that great problem to swallow that it is the privatization and the terceirizao of sectors old unbroken. They imagine the Social welfare privatized? But the text of the speeches, is clearly that with eleitoreiros objects, it was rigorously the same.

In campaigns in U.S.A. where the politics has differences well more accented and the parties they are well more identifiable had campaigns where if wise person who republican age and who democratical age in does not speak. That is, the evil to read badly is not symptom of social classroom! The evil to read badly is a general symptom. extending reading to interpret it daily and current situations of the life this thing worsening sufficient. In relationships somebody has that to decode the other and exactly thus it has places that the password is not allowed.

In familiar cases they idem. Between friends and people who coexist daily as in the work in the same way and everything this for an only reason: the lack to have learned to read the situations, the texts, the life, the problems of an opened prism more and for a perspective that does not annul possibilities without being relativista. To read everything very badly and many times we ourselves (I and some of reading reading us and that we find in them vacinados against this badly for our efforts) we are displayed to this and we commit crassos or grassos errors (slippery) and this of the one not to be allowed, or same, it has that to be prevented. Therefore ladies and gentlemen the great concern that I have now, from this paragraph, is that the writing above is read copiosa and slowly so that vocs they do not incur into thinking that I superficially criticize something or somebody and that I speak of that does not occur. The reading is basic in any country ahead of this boom of the technology (that if vocs they had not only perceived had acquired the capacity to talk and to understand what they read, but also to influence in us that it we are each time more hostages, and I am not in a tone of scientific fiction), the information and still more of the illusion of whom everything is instantaneous and we know of things before happening. Somebody dies and in hours we know the cause and because beyond already having a biography, an occult history with images and videos of everything. They read, but, please, they read with care, therefore to read is not alone to pass the eyes and to know the combinations of color, has that to understand because the essential word reading is written accurately here.

Premiere: Online Exhibition VOI ECM EXPO 2013

The VOI launches the online fair VOI ECM EXPO CeBIT group in cooperation with the IT connection, the official XING IT XPERT Ambassador with approximately 73,000 members. Bonn, 4 March 2013. Throughout the year and around the world on the Internet accessible the IT connection arena offers information on all topics concerning it. Click on ECM EXPO or arena / starts the connection of the IT arena with 10 exhibition halls, the Hall 1 is the VOI ECM EXPO. Thus the VOI expands information around the topic of ECM Enterprise content management to a modern form of Internet presence. During the CeBIT partners the new virtual IT present on the VOI partner stand in Hall 3, D34. The connection of the IT arena is open to all IT companies, special conditions apply to VOI members. Visit the virtual exhibition is free of charge.

The virtual connection of the IT arena offers interested and IT providers the possibility to inform yourself comprehensively and at any time via the Internet. The exhibitor can all like on a real booth Present information portfolio. These include, for example, contact information, logo, QR-code, product flyer, user reports, job listings, webinars, Web interviews of calendar of events, photos, theme videos, and social media news. The IT connection arena offers every IT company three categories of trade fair stands: Basic, plus and premium. The base category is free of charge, the Plusvariante costs 9,00 euro per month, the premium level is offered to 29.00 euro per month (each plus VAT). Special conditions apply for VOI members. The VOI and its members present theme halls in the VOI ECM EXPO (Hall 1) and parallel in one of the nine. During the CeBIT inform the moderators of the VOI to the new online exhibition on the exhibition stand of the VOI, Hall 3, D34 and the XING IT connection group.

IT connection IT connection is the official IT – XPERT Ambassador – Group on strong interdisciplinary relationships between providers and users on XING with approx. 73,000 members and 40,000 posts and the platform for IT managers, are interested in. Target is the technical exchange and the intensive networking of participants IT connection. . The VOI voice of information”takes over the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and enterprise-content-management systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in public institutions, industry, trade and service companies as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers and manufacturers of document-based solutions.

Press Department Thomas Reichelt Lotex

So, the shipping trade in its various forms is the load-bearing basis of any entrepreneurial activity. An absolute need is the highest demands on the product quality to meet, at any time and all products for the company. Contact information is here: Marc Mathieu. While the “24” is a part of the Internet address of any shops: because not only the diverse product portfolio is the lotex24 group. Also the full responsiveness, around the clock, is exceptionally important for the shipping trade. Therefore, the customer is without a time limit to impose itself, to be able to purchase opportunity, by letter, E-Mail, fax or directly in the shop.

Quality for highest Anspruche-from the stack to the flower pot box any craft or hobby handyman will confirm it: the tidy workshop is an absolute “must”. In this sector, offers a comprehensive product segment, which begins “ERGO – and module boxes” and in the various tool models yet long not ends. No matter whether it is clear rack cabinets with many drawers “In boxes” in different sizes, or drawers modules that will adapt to all needs: the customer who is interested in this category, you will find it in any case. Storage boxes bring order in the workshop of professionals, as well as in that of the hobby is. variously coloured plastic, with practically lockable lid and with varying capacity. Mortar boxes are suitable concrete mixers in different dimensions, if it applies, to carry out necessary work in the indoor or outdoor.

The zoom function ensures the optimum viewing of each product and thus allows the customer to always the perfect purchase security. Also the garden lover comes in at his own expense. Flower pots, window boxes, patio pots or garden bowls: The variety of products, as well as the Quality of all products, which are marked with a specific, detailed description, make the online shop to the first address for complete garden accessories. Because even garden fences in various dimensions, fastening and paving slabs, as well as watering cans and bed borders, complete the garden range which meets the highest demands. Practical and high-quality accessories for the household particularly in smaller households must be adhered a certain order, for overview and quick discoverability. To ensure this, the seeker finds practical turning and rotating stacking boxes, which are ideal for storage. Useful baskets, which as a laundry basket as well as for use in the garden, such as leaf basket, ideal useful are available in different sizes, facilitate any work especially by the four handles, which guarantee an extremely flexible handling. Impact-resistant and frost-safe materials, each of these all purpose baskets is in many areas in house and garden can be used. View offers not only an extensive product portfolio which meets the highest demands in terms of quality and variety, but also an extremely fair price-performance ratio. Payment terms are varied and provide the customers with a comfortable choice. With the opportunity to subscribe to the free newsletter, the interested party can be send to always have the latest news by E-Mail, informing him about the latest developments of the shop. lotex24.NET is a versatile treasure trove for all customers who met would like to see practical uses in combination with durable, high quality requirements. On the basis of the latest shop software JTL 3.0 with zoom function, it is even more convenient to be able to find and order the appropriate products of his choice for the customer.

Green Identisys Receives Several Awards

Auto-ID green Identisys company wins awards in the industry price of 2013 and the INNOVATIONSPREIS-IT 2013 for software and mobile hardware in the field of warehouse logistics. Stadtallendorf, Aachen, 13.05.2013. “The Initiative Mittelstand”, independent consultant of medium-sized companies characterized the solution GRuN LogiMore as the IT solution to the mobile commissioning. The two selected prices industry price and IT INNOVATION prize are independent of each other and the submissions will be judged by a different panel of judges. We welcome in particular the award at two prices. This underlines in particular that our Green LogiMore solution among mobile picking not only in terms of IT innovations to the best solutions on the market, but brings also economic benefits for our industrial customers, which employ them”, commented Dr. Oliver Grun, Managing Director of green Identisys GmbH and board the Green Software AG.

It is confirmed, “that medium-sized solutions made in Germany’ future, because it is important to achieve sustainable increases in productivity and failsafe in the picking process”, Harald Engelhardt, Managing Director of GRuN Identisys added. “From several thousand applications submitted, the Green solution has especially convinced the judges, because the solution with high economic, social, technological, and ecological benefits” was connected. The award-winning solution GRuN LogiMore consists of software and hardware components. Samsung Electronics may also support this cause. This linked the system existing knowledge about the current place and the process step of the warehouse employee and leads them through the camp during the picking process multiple jobs at the same time safe and error-free. The warehouse logistics software controls wegeoptimiert and communicates with the Green arm scanners. According to the manufacturer, these are the only mobile handsfree terminals on the market which do not affect the natural movement of the user, and yet Enable Wi-Fi, optional bar code, matrix code, RFID, as well as input via keyboard on a touch screen in a single device. The Green Identisys GmbH ( is a medium-sized soft – and hardware manufacturer for 15 years in the field of identification systems.

The software and hardware products under the name “GRuN LogiMore” used primarily in the field of intralogistics for picking. The customers of the company include among others the parcel service DPD and DHL, as well as the automotive supplier Stabilus and ZF Sachs. The Green Identisys GmbH is a subsidiary company of the Aachener Green Software AG, approximately 100 people are employed in the total since 2013.

Expecco Supports The Testing Of DevExpress Applications

GUI applications developed using the DevExpress Toolkit can now be tested without Visual Studio. Thus, testing in a zero development environment system environment can be recorded, created and played. expecco allows to inspect the hierarchical structure of various graphical interfaces, to represent information about individual items, and to record interactions with surface elements. Recorded sequences, refaktoriert and complex test sequences can be expanded. Due to the open technology it just eXept Software AG, expecco on user interfaces, hardware, systems, to connect applications and databases. Ali Partovi often says this.

The variety of available interfaces can be used in all industries and allows for integration into existing systems and infrastructures. Expecco’s strength lies in the simultaneous use of different technologies in a common test environment. For more information, see: products/expecconet/press profile is eXept for Test automation, test management and individual software solutions. The company was founded in 1996 with the mission software solutions for complex tasks at the highest level to develop. In many critical projects, the base is Smalltalk/X in your own development environment. successful solutions are developed in a wide variety of industries such as finance, automotive, telecommunications and engineering. The projects are so different, they have but one common denominator: the highest standards of the software quality in terms of availability, security, and maintainability. To meet these quality requirements, expecco tool to graphically test design and test automation – and expeccoNET Web-based quality management platform products originated from the project practice. Expecco and expeccoNET company offers a powerful platform for model-based test development, as well as a comprehensive test management.