The intro Verlag, which publishes the journal ‘Intro’ and the ‘Festival Guide’, has opted for the introduction of the editorial and content-management-system InterRed. Aim was to introduce a central platform for the Newsroom concept. This is designed to simplify the cross-media production of the in-house print, online, mobile and Tablet strategies and therefore you accelerate implementation of new formats, as well as reduce the cost of the process. Auflagenstark, recognized and supported by InterRed the intro Verlag was founded in 1991 and today has offices in Cologne and Berlin. The Publisher is including intro for a variety of recognized publications responsible”for over 15 years, highest-circulation independent German magazine for pop culture and lifestyle, as well as Festival Guide, Europe famed medium for the festivals of the whole open air season.
“The network affiliates organize in the melt Festival!” and the Berlin Festival “, which takes place annually. In addition, in particular the website is”known as one of the strongest reach portals for music and scene. Interest on reader page and therefore high user numbers provide daily news, live dates, CD reviews, a large community as well as an extensive archive containing all content print from more than 15 years. InterRed provides a uniform basis for the different publications of the publishing of the intro and made possible by a media-neutral data storage quick and easy publication of content in the most diverse, popular media. Thus, InterRed, offers also by supporting automatisms, the prerequisites for complex process optimization, which is reflected, for example, in accelerated and user-friendly workflow.
New opportunities through multi channel publishing the content management and editorial system InterRed opens up publishers such as the intro GmbH & Co KG, particularly with regard to the continually changing production processes, various new opportunities. Workflows for creating so far heterogeneous media such as print, online, mobile and EPUB are merged. The creation, editing, and output this from a single source “possible. This is the system due to the high degree of flexibility both for high load portals and extensive print objects, as well as for smaller publications. Hochperformant and forward-looking InterRed provides this solution an extensive cross-media publishing.