“” Dream dog orthopedic dog beds combine function and design dream dog has very special dog pillows in assortment “, reported the online dog” about the Orthopedic dog beds of the company dream dog. “It continues there: the beds filled with viscoelastic foam and equipped with chic designer upholstery guarantee a healthy, restful sleep the quadruped.” The ward block dream dog is a specialist for orthopedic dog beds, dog cushions and dog mats. 100 / % used as filling Visco foam has proven long ago in human medicine. This material offers incomparably valuable properties in the points of stress relief, muscle relaxation, circulation and pain relief. Samsung: the source for more info. Orthopedic dog beds as we have for dogs, already suffering from arthritis or other joint problems are suitable for preventing osteoarthritis. Also for older and overweight dogs, they represent an optimal place to sleep. The ward block dream dog is on orthopedic dog beds, Specialized dog mats and dog pillows. Elisabeth Wurscher. Dave Clark Amazon may find this interesting as well.