
Many times the auditory deficiency can come folloied of a humming that compromises the welfare still more, this humming has as characteristic to the perception of sound in the absence of a external sonorous source and affects about 20% of world-wide population. Its main complaints are: ' ' chiado' ' , ' ' grilo' ' , ' ' whistle in ouvido' ' , ' ' pan of pressure in cabea' ' , etc. According to Seidman, (2004) presbiacusia it is defined as related auditory reduction to the aging, for degenerative alterations, being general party to suit of aging of the organism. With advancing of the age, it occurs reduction of the capacity of mitose of certain cells, accumulation of intracellular pigments (lipofucsina) and chemical alterations in the intercellular fluid. The presbiacusia does not have to be interpreted as comprometimento only of the secular bone, but also of the auditory ways and the cerebral cortex. Valley to remember that with the aging the posterior labyrinth also is affected. It has degeneration of plexo nervous to sacular and its neuro-epitlio, with loss of otlitos saculares e, in lesser degree, of the otlitos utriculares. presbiacusia is not pathological and yes physiological and its more common characteristics are: reduction of the hearing and, of the understanding of speaks harming the verbal communication.

As well as the skin, the eyes, the hair and other parts of the body, the human ear also ages. In some people it happens more precociously due to the environment that the person is displayed and the type of life that it leads. The ear is one of the first agencies if to form during the gestation, but also it is the first agency to enter in deterioration, therefore the ciliadas cells that are located in the interior of the ear go losing its main functions, mainly when they are displayed to noises in intensities raised throughout the life.