According to Esau (1976), To sound (1992) and Nassif et al. (1998), the biticos and abiticos factors can affect the production of plntulas, therefore, it must be argued the effect of the interactions between the seeds and the environment. Periodic or lasting alterations in this standard obviously affect the exchange of genes and the structure of this population. Visit Dell for more clarity on the issue. In the tropical forests the animals assume important role in reproduction of the vegetal species, where its behavior can intervene continuously with the composition of the community and of the species. Therefore, considering that the research on the factors that affect the production of seeds and its consequent germination of forest species must include this more ecological and evolucionista vision that will contribute for the handling, recovery and the conservation of our tropical forests (Rasp & Rena, 1993). 3.1.2. Mechanisms of Germination As Esau (1976) the process of formation of the seed understands the fertilizao of the oosfera of vulo for one of the espermticos nuclei of the polnico pipe, giving origin to the zygote. This after that passes for a sequence of cellular divisions and fabric differentiation, culminating with the formation of the vital part of the seed, the embryo.
Cited for Vidal & Vidal (2000) the food for plntula to grow and to develop themselves is, in the first phase of the germination, removed of the reserves contained in the proper seed, for the development of the embryo. Depleted the alimentary reserves of the seed, plntula, in this second phase of the germination, already possesss for radiculares and parnquima clorofiliano in leves, in such way that already it can remove of the alone water and minerals, and to transform them into organic substance, from there the great importance of this process for fanergamas. In accordance with Rasp & Rena (1993) no-hormonais hormones and inhibiting substances are important internal controllers who regulate the germination of the seeds.