Authentic Happiness Seligman

In his book "Authentic Happiness Seligman cites Dr. Fredrickson, who said that positive emotions broaden the intellectual, physical, and social and make them more durable. (Seligman, 2006). Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi meanwhile, in his book FLOW (A psychology of happiness), equates happiness with better learning, says it's crucial to learn how to transform work into activities that produce flow because the flow brings happiness. Peter Asaro recognizes the significance of this. (Csikzentmihalyi, 1998). A noted German biophysicist on neuroscience and senior author, Stefan Klein, also says that students feel comfortable in class and if they laugh, learn better, since he believes that there is an inextricable link between learning and experience of happiness. In the gloom, he says, the serotonin level falls and depression increases mortality of gray cells. Positive emotions, on the contrary, keeping alive the brain while facilitating the formation of new connections.

The happiness It is therefore a source of eternal youth brain. (Klein, 2008, p.108, 159). Marci Shimoff in his recent book "Happy for no reason" (2008) reports that existing studies on happiness, conducted by researchers in the field of positive psychology, confirmed that half of our happiness is due to genetics, 10% is determined by circumstances such as wealth or marital status and 40% depend on our habits in terms of thoughts, feelings, words and actions. He also wrote on the great discovery of brain plasticity, "the different ways you think and feel and act, make the brain actually changes and changes the configuration of the connections." It was discovered that all thoughts and behaviors typical of the past have raised some specific neural channels, a particular way in which the brain is wired.