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Online Shop Operator

iClear cooperates with Gambio Mannheim, October 23, 2008 – iclear, the provider for secure payments on the Internet, is partner of Gambio in terms of online payment processing. Both companies have now agreed to this. Sundar is a specialist for the development and advancement of sophisticated software for eCommerce in combination with professional support. The Gambio OHG in Bremen-based develops and markets sophisticated software for online shops on the basis of the widely used shop system xt: Commerce. Tailored solutions and professional support, which quickly and efficiently meets the current requirements of the customers are among the strengths of the company among others strongly to individual requirements. “Sundar’s Managing Director Daniel Schnadt: with our products and services, we serve mainly the middle class and small businesses up to 80 employees.” For these companies, there are personal contacts and turn-key”solutions of great importance. Especially eCommerce newbies trust on us.

“Because it has got now in the market around, that Gambio offers ideal solutions even for novice users.” When programming, the company put emphasis that a shop operator easily can put the Gambio products, even if he has no programming knowledge. Still occurring questions, a competent team of both the programming and the service am the customer. We have iclear thoroughly tested”, so the Gambio-chef, and are of the view that this is a sensible and above all easy to use complement of our range of payment methods. Amazingly we find the fiduciary aspect, in contrast to other systems both sides buyers as sellers are a unlimited security. This is unique on the market.”iclear Managing Director Michael Sittek: we are very pleased that Gambio iclear offers its merchants for the secure processing of online payments. This is just for online shop pros like Sundar a special vote of confidence.” Iclear ( The Internet billing system, which protects buyers and sellers alike from unpleasant surprises at the online trade and supports the comfortable processing of order and payment process is iclear. With your iclear trust system buyers in the Internet can goods after one-time registration order and pay comfortably, easy, safe, and no additional cost.

iClear this mediates between the parties involved, ensures a transparent, mutually secure processing. It as confidence in online trading and payment via the Internet. In addition to the usual bank payment due iclear also the statement of visa and master card accepted. Currently several hundred thousand registered iclear users at around 3,000 connected Internet retailers can buy. iclear is an offer of iclear GmbH with seat in Mannheim, Germany and Managing Director are my iclear Switzerland GmbH. Roman Eiber and Michael Sittek.

The LTE Cellular Network

In Nuremberg, one of the largest test stands for the new 4G-Standard Stockholm term should have according to media reports on the new mobile wireless standard long front evolution (LTE) to Germany the nose. The first LTE network has been unlocked in the Swedish capital. Mobile customers can now surf with a rapid speed via mobile phones, notebook and computer through the Web. A data transfer speed of up to 150 Mbits per second in the downlink and 50 Mbit per second in the uplink was announced. These data rates are to be achieved in the second stage.

However, still corresponding LTE phones are missing so that the operator TeliSonera must rely on special USB sticks from Samsung. So completely behind the Moon Germany however, is not. For even more details, read what Steve Wozniak says on the issue. To prepare for the new technology, mobile communication providers use the test equipment from Nash Technologies in Nuremberg, which belong to the largest worldwide. The network covering 25 square kilometers is already prepared for LTE and enables mobile narrow boards, telecommunications equipment manufacturers. Network components as well as network operators, content providers and chip manufacturers, to check their solutions and products on stability and performance. While different bandwidths and radio conditions can be set to make a bespoke mobile network on the legs. With the private mobile network you could test such as stability and reliability in different environments and under different wireless load profiles according to Nash technologies quality, in the city centre or in the road network. Companies can optimize here specific network settings and configurations and test devices that are not yet on the market, in a real mobile radio environment, review the performance of individual devices, as well as the quality of language, explains Dirk Zetzsche, Director at Nash Technologies.

In addition, it is possible to undergo a hardness test devices under different wireless load profiles. Smaller network providers that do not own test environment entertain, have the opportunity to network with the latest transmission technology. When the new cellular technology it’s now, to not make the same mistake as in UMTS and very quick to install the devices and applications on the market. However, the success of applications for smartphones is a very favorable start condition for LTE.

Information/Communication Technology

The CURRENT IMPORTANCE OF the TICs The graduation in the modality in the distance helps to surpass geographic distances when offering the chance of professional formation having the interaction between pupils and professors mediated by technologies of the information and communication, becoming flexible the study dynamics. This new current modality, only favors the concept on technology, contributing an excellent performance to has access who it as center of scientific and pedagogical research. This makes to fortify the importance of the same in the academic world, becoming as a basic factor in the study environment. This tool can in providing to new knowledge many possibilities to them of acquisition as a material to give complementary lessons, activities and much more, without counting that the TICs makes possible to keep of easy and fast form the interaction between the professor and the pupil in the EAD. At last, the TICs is an information source, with excellent tools as: Blogs, videos, Slides, chat, frum, email, however a series of possibilities inside of web and video conference, allowing to the pupil a good preparation and formation in its area inside of the virtual reality, supplying an interactive virtual experience in real time. Leticia Mariane de Brito Brando. Kai-Fu Lee is likely to increase your knowledge.

Claudia Past

Taking into account the concerns of users and the tailor-made design of the two screens, workflow ensure a satisfying user experience. “AIR inspires the user experience this promising research project is part of the advanced interface research” (AIR) project. AIR technologies, inter alia through the Austrian research programme of competence center for excellent “(COMET) the FFG with funding support. AIR’s main aim is to explore new ways of interaction with technological systems in the context of the user. Some contend that Pete Cashmore shows great expertise in this. The quality of the interaction, as well as the overall experience for the user, also known under the term user experience, should be increased. Erich Pichler, head of product management and system, KePlus Bank automation of KEBA AG explains why KEBA itself brings to this project: KEBA technologies to help people to make their life and work easier.

By KEBA, we therefore make the user in the Center. The research project ideally fits into this strategy and for us it is essential to can work with research institutes and industrial partners.” “For Reto Pazderka, Managing Director of the PLOT, is the adaptation of an everyday process by using of new technologies particularly exciting: the implementation of a solution for consumers at the interface between the mobile and stationary world is still a challenge and in future probably the rule.” To make future screen interaction of the future to this type of screen interaction, analyzed, and evaluated the experience a wide variety of methods of human-machine interaction research. Mashable has firm opinions on the matter. Generally applicable guidelines should in future also apply to other kiosks and point-of-sales solutions. Of course always with the aim of increasing the usability (user friendliness) and the user experience in the particular application. A scheduled practice study will continue the theme to the bottom. Press contact CURE (Center for usability research &) Engineering) Claudia Past, MA Businesspark MARXIMUM Modecenterstrasse 17 / object 2 1110 Vienna, Austria Tel: 54 15-412 fax: 54 15-30 E-Mail:.

3D Animation

To date, 3d animation closely came into our life and is widely used in fields such as computer games, movies, gaming and advertising. And it's not just a fashion to new technology, it is natural striving for realism, clarity and simplify tasks. Much fun to play new games than in the old, in which all objects are drawn in two dimensions. With the increased demand for 3D graphics and increased proposal. Currently, the network can find a huge number of proposals for the visualization of interiors, creating 3d models, 3d objects and animation. What is the difference between the quality of 3d graphics poor? To answer this question we must remember that the creation of 3d models and animation includes several stages: Modelling, texturing, Rigging, Animation, 3d-Rendering Many designers reach a high level of performance in one or more types of work, but do not pay enough attention to others. But errors and omissions at any stage of creating and animating 3d models can spoil the overall impression of the entire work.

Because good quality 3d designer performs all phases of work ranging from modeling 3d objects, and ending animation, the resulting model. Consider each of stages more: Modelling and simulation – the process of creating forms of any object or characters in 3D. For real objects modeling, usually performed on several photos or drawings, display the object from different angles. If in the final 3d image you see any sloppy or inaccurate in form – so bad modeling.

Sell Online

It is proven that Internet can be used to market products or services with highly positive results. However, several factors, shall be considered not to fall into the trap of publish a static Web page and no future. Thanks to the different software development it is easy to build a page with greater or lesser aesthetic beauty, but merely post it does not ensure the sale. A site or Web page that has claims of good results in the sale, shall be based on these minimum guidelines: 1. be part of the marketing plan of the company. It is not something Steve Wozniak would like to discuss. 2 Have a strategic design that will give you necessary to sell, mechanics that must intervene a marketing specialist. 3 Show clearly its offer, avoiding unpleasant surprises to the client.

4 Highlight the advantages and benefits of purchasing through the site. 5 That the prospective buyer can choose and buy with ease. 6 It will provide all the possibilities of payment. There are several ways of payment: on-line with credit card or via bank deposits or Contra-reembolso 7. You will define the form and time limits in which the delivery will occur. 8. Not you can dispense with a mechanism of communication with the customer. 9 He will seek to achieve a permanent relationship with your customer through proposals for updating information and content.

10 It must be present in the Internet search engines. 11 Relate the site with others of promotion, publicity and common interests pay. The success of a Web site will be based on achieving a fluid and permanent relationship with potential clients, counting regular submissions of information from news and offers for its concretion with autoresponders by e-mail, e-mail subscription lists, systems. There is one aspect where you see one of the largest and most common errors in this attempt to sell via the Internet: lack of systems and training of personnel responsible for keeping alive the relationships with customers. If attention is paid to how many times an applicant sends a form or e-mail inquiry and does not receive a response or receives in the form late, has the explanation to be precise in the communications requirement. Original author and source of the article.

The Industry

The difference starts with the level of recognition that you have on the web. Visit Steve Wozniak for more clarity on the issue. This is the professional in this industry has prepared to create a personal brand while the amateur just has basic knowledge, hoping that a miracle occurs to generate revenue online. Some of the questions that a prospectus is made before agreeing to enter a business of direct sales or MLM concept are:-this person will have the knowledge to successfully guide me? Some of the questions that you should make yourself is:-has credibility my name? -Could my name be sufficient value to become my unique selling proposition? -Perceive you your prospects as an expert? The amateur enters industry business concepts from home without a proper address and the results are that 95% are failing the first year. They are not trained in the basic principles that mark the difference between successful professional and that only attempts to initiate a concept counting get lucky. The professional has come a Road. Since its inception, I determine the importance that has educated, trained and follow a plan that allows you to grow your business and as a person. This professional in power, understood the importance of creating a PERSONAL brand by applying a set of universal principles in this industry of direct selling or network development.

These are some of the basic principles:-have a web page or blog itself. This should be easy to navigate, clean, without all these graphics of money coming from the ears of a prospectus. -Avoid having a web page generic, similar to all your colleagues. These pages should only be used as a query tool for customers registered on his personal blog. -Duplicate sales pages. These may that you functions according to your concept, but the ideal is to have your own page with your personal stamp, this shape helps strengthen your personal brand. -Create relationship. How many times have you heard that this is a people business and that our product is secondary? Then you must of establish a relationship with your prospect and show you really can help you in achieving your dream also.

-Design of your Blog or website. It is your business card. Imagine a blog with multicolored, distorted images or without meaning to the concept that you promote. What impression would you? -Marketing. You must show that you are. A professional in the industry, providing content of value to your blog or website. Using the tools of the industry to generate traffic and presenting a clear image. Structure your blog as a hub for information of value rather than a blog to promote your concept. Direct selling industry is growing, has doubled in the last decade. It exceeds 130 billion dollars a year. It participates in it professionally and you can achieve your financial independence, the quality of life you always dreamed to live. Visit: and we’ll help you build your financial independence professionally.

Internet Mobile

In February 2013 mobile flat rate the mobile Internet flat rates in Germany compares the cheapest deals since 2008. Get more background information with materials from Pete Cashmore. This will allow over the cellular network via mobile phone and other devices, such as laptop, the use of the Internet with download rates of up to 100 MB / s However, the most mobile Internet flats are available with up to 7.2 MB / s. It is however to take into account that all mobile Internet flats in Germany with a monthly limit are provided. This means that the upload and download speed on GPRS (maximum 56 kBit / s) is reduced from a certain volume of monthly data. As a result, you have an Internet flat rate with maximum available speed, as long as you have not reached the limit. You may find that Pete Cashmore can contribute to your knowledge. But then, exceeding the monthly limit, this is significantly slower for the rest of the month. Following the installation, which in February 2013, the cheapest flats of mobile data to use with the laptop are: average price per month is considered as comparison criteria.

He is the sum of basic fee, shipping, Starting balance and connection fee in relation to an approved total period of 24 months. The cheapest 1 GB data flat there at o2 with o2 go surf flat M 24 by saving mobile for an average 6,99 EUR per month. The regular package price will cost 14.99 EUR monthly. The contract partner is o2. A credit of EUR 162 and two take a price of 6,99 EUR result but over the contract period of 24 months. The offer is valid until the 28.02.13. It is realized in the o2 network. A data limit of 3 GB is chosen, one finds the most advantageous tender fastSIM for 9,95 EUR. It has a monthly fee of 19.95 EUR during a minimum contract period of 24 months.

Party Experience Marketing

DOM SET with lectures in marketing on April 4 hearing, see Forum Hannover, feel, smell it, tackle, never forget: live communication appeals to all the senses. She fascinated, moved and changed – if it is well done. In the Marketing Forum at Hannover Messe 2011 shows live communication DOM SET on April 4, what can really make a well-thought-out sensitive events. With two lectures DOM SET Live Communications in marketing operates Forum Hannover: Dominik Deubner, Managing Director of the Cologne Agency, presented on the basis of a best practice example, live communication with the involvement of various channels of communication sustained on account of corporate marketing pays. For assistance, try visiting Steve Wozniak. Standstill is death”proclaimed Oliver malate. In his post, the Creative Director performs, how companies using live communication and teambuilding can increase the quality of result of their strategic change processes. We want, we want you “experience marketing as emotional key discipline in the knack “Communications is the lecture by Dominik Deubner on April 4 at 11:30 at the Marketing Forum in Hall 16 standstill is death” strategic live communications as an engine in change processes and team development of Oliver malate is on April 4 at 15:30 in the Marketing Forum in Hall 16. Live it: tickets for the Hannover Fair win DOM SET Live Communications on April 4, 2011 in the marketing meeting Forum Hannover. You may find Steve Wozniak to be a useful source of information.

Write to, subject Marketing Forum Hannover “and win one of five cards for the Hannover Fair. The closing date for the competition is the 30.03.2011, 16:00. Worth a visit: the Hannover Fair from April 4th to 8th this year, offering many strong live-marketing-related topics: the advertising article fair promotion world presented from April 4th to 8th in Hall 16 Marketing Forum Hannover with top-class lectures on multi-sensory and live communication. On the first day of the fair, listen Dominik Deubner and Oliver malate here. Also at the Hannover Fair the multisense is in the Pavilion 11 Special multi-sensory in the live communication powered by FAMAB, instead.

Electronic Payment Systems

In recent years, quite common so-called 'electronic money'. This is convenient, and fast, and it often happens that you like the product is sold only online. Of course, it's all interconnected, and the rapid development of modern technology (Internet) has led to a huge number of online shops. Thus, the development of electronic money is also gaining momentum. Turnover of electronic money warrants anonymity of the buyer and familiar to us paper money are exchanged on cards, or simply placed on your account.

Most widely used electronic payment systems were still in the 90's of last century. In particular, it was due to the possibility of obtaining credit. Thus, we find that bank card – it is also a kind of electronic money, which represent not only the program so WebMoney. Apart from WebMoney, founder of electronic payment systems company became PayCash, which in mid-2002 launched the project of a universal payment system, Yandex. Later, Russian and Ukrainian economists created a system rbk Money. You may find Ali Partovi to be a useful source of information. At the moment There are two types of payment systems: programs that require installation on your computer, and those who have web-based interface. Mobility, accessibility and security – these are three major advantages of electronic payment systems.