COMCO Agreements

Three out of five companies see an instrument for reducing costs in Dortmund in SLAs, July 16, 2008 – there are usually service level agreements (SLA) for the network services in the company, the opinions diverge significantly. While they are not sufficiently lived by most of the surveyed companies, they use others as an important early warning system for structural problems. Comes to these results a survey of the Dortmund network and security specialist COMCO AG. After three quarters of over 300 companies with more than 50 million euros have sales SLAs for the network scope. In every third case, they are however only partially and not for the entire infrastructure. 27 percent of the companies are completely without any such service agreements with our service partner. But even where SLAs are used no and 23 percent only partially active one-third as a control instrument. Only 18 percent of the respondents IT – and resourced use SLAs consistently in terms of their actual purpose.

The contrary is, that service level agreements are certainly felt in large majority as useful. So, 77 percent see an advantage that, in this way, the performance agreements gain a concrete base. Effective impulse for measurability of inefficiencies and the improvement of service quality are positively highlighted by two-thirds. Also the ability to determine potential instrument to reduce costs in the eyes of 60 percent of the company for SLAs with this speaks. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of technology investor on most websites. Is significant to the results of the COMCO survey, that more than every second respondent in service level agreements provides an early warning system for structural problems in the network area. But also to control the pages of the user expectations, they can be helpful for 46 percent. That despite the positive evaluation of SLA in practice is a great reluctance to their actual use, results may be from their also exist disadvantages.