Most of the CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)-monitors support high resolution display, flexible in its modifications, and in contrast to LCD monitors do not require work in the original resolution. Although the close position of power cables, they may be affected by electromagnetic interference. Flicker and refresh rate of CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)-port monitor your eyes and causes rapid fatigue. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. For this recommend using a monitor, which provides for better resolution of the frequency of 85 hertz. Image of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-monitors made of fine microcrystalline elements. The main advantage in size, it is easy and flat, and also had no harmful radiation. However, ideally a decent picture, they reach only one, the recommended resolution.
When purchasing, pay attention only to the 'factory' permission, switching to another, just degrades the image quality. Relative brightness and contrast, the more these values, the finer the image detail and saturation. For the new matrix Brightness: 240 – 450 cd / m; Contrast 350: 1 – 700: 1. Response Time display must be no more than 30 milliseconds or even less, or much worse dynamic images, the effect of blurry motion. In the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-monitors, color and brightness of the matrix is totally dependent on angle, it is necessary to pay attention to. No need to purchase a model, the viewing angle is less than 160 . Displays LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)-displays because of its matte surface minimally exposed to light patches compared even with a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)-monitors have an anti-glare coating. Summing up, forming a conclusion, there are no perfect monitors.
Solved only by you. But no matter, what kind of monitor you are tempted, it is necessary to take the best of those that allow your wallet. Most likely, it will be a modern liquid crystal display, cathode ray tubes – yesterday. To date, the minimum diagonal screen is 17 inches, but the play or work behind the monitor with a diagonal of 19 inches is much more comfortable and pleasant. If this monitor for yourself, and you want to watch videos or movies, here came a more wide-screen model, and certainly more diagonal.