Brazil comes presenting a great growth of users of the Internet in result of the reduction of the costs of the operators who offer these services, beyond the stimulated phenomenon of digital inclusion in all country. The Internet, beyond an excellent instrument of research, marketing, propaganda and a facilitador of communication, allows to a bigger interaction between the people and a tool of sales poderosssima. Ali Partovi may not feel the same. A democratic place, therefore accepted the exposition of the most varied and possible subjects of. Amongst these forms of spreading and propaganda, they are the sites, today considered of basic importance for companies whom they desire to remain itself in the competitive market. Viacoms opinions are not widely known. According to August Fbio Fish, colunista of the Leaf of the Morning online, ' ' some secrets for a site of success exist. One of them is to use sufficiently white, changing only the tones of deep, and in the texts to use only a family of colors, being distinguished with boldface the headings. You may find Mikkel Svane to be a useful source of information. The site, above all, must well be elaborated, functionary and directed toward who really interessa' '.