
Today drywall – an essential material for interior decoration both residential and nonresidential use. Produced erection of internal partitions in the apartment or office – you need drywall. Running lining Interior walls – drywall needs. Even for the installation of the ceiling also need drywall. With drywall, you can create a perfectly flat, regularly shaped surface, and bent under the main style interior. Drywall can work without the use of different cement concrete solutions or plasters, and the drywall has a high performance – a well-sawn, processed, it can screw any screws or screw and hang a picture or a bracket for your TV. Drywall with characteristics similar to the tree.

However, in comparison with wood fire-resistant gypsum board and support combustion, so it is used in the facing of wooden structures. Drywall is eco-friendly, it does not emit any harmful substances, such as some plastic panels. Drywall, like wood, has a low thermal conductivity, so in this room is set constant microclimate. Materials and technologies with gypsum board, provides complete freedom to your imagination as the regeneration of new premises, and repair. Lightweight construction of the drywall does not create extra load on the foundation of the building I want to remind With drywall, you can create a perfectly flat, regularly shaped surface and a curved, under the basic style of the interior. Drywall can work without the use of different cement concrete solutions or plasters, and the drywall has a high performance – a well-sawn, processed, it can screw any screws or screw and hang a picture or a bracket for your TV. Sheathing drywall 1.

Fastening sheet of drywall, gipsovolokno to profiles to meet along the bearing profiles. 2. On the end of the sheet edges of drywall, gipsovolokno not pasted cardboard, with marginal planing, pre-chamfered at an angle (22,50 at a depth of 2 / 3 of the leaf). 3. Sheets of drywall gipsovolokno attached to the frame with screws in increments of 150 mm at a distance of not less than 10 mm from the edge of the sheet covered with cardboard and not less than 15 mm from the cut. 4. For attaching drywall sheets to the framework used self-tapping screw TN, and for tapping screw sheets gipsovolokno MN. 5. Fixing screws must be included in a sheet of drywall, gipsovolokno at right angles and penetrate into the metal frame to a depth of not less than 10 mm in a wooden timber at least 20 mm. Head screws must be recessed in a sheet of drywall, gipsovolokno to a depth of about 1 mm for subsequent puttying. 6. Cardboard sites in tightening the screws drywall sheet should not be disheveled. 7. Deformed or incorrectly placed screws must be removed, replaced with new ones that should be placed at a distance of not less than 50 mm from the previous site of attachment for drywall, gipsovolokno