Education System

There are education and true education. The first delivery generic knowledge for the lot and the second is one that teaches the skills needed to really impact the lives of the student individually. Interestingly, the majority of people who have come forward in life you will say that they not discovered the secrets of his success in a traditional system of teaching. These knowledge and experience are normally acquired in a context of real life, making many mistakes and having the luck of being in the shadow of a great mentor. How then can we as parents prepare our children so that they can successfully overcome the challenges of real life? First of all we must recognise that education of them is our responsibility. We can not stay with the misconception that it is sufficient if we send our children to an educational institution, by very good be. Here are two reasons why we should today be more involved than ever in our children’s education: 1.-the great most educational establishments still prepare their students for the requirements of a Industrial age.

Success formulas that worked for us and our parents already are not in force. Getting good grades, study, and then look for a good job already is not a way to make sure financially for the future. Times have changed. We are in the was of computing in which the only thing that doesn’t change is always everything is changing. Are their children prepared to face changes? Have they learned to be flexible and adapt quickly to new situations without falter? Or they are learning to rely blindly on a system, either from the Government, a corporation or a welfare system, whose mode of operation is completely out of your control? 2. Another reason by which we as parents should be actively involved in the education of our children is that the end of a traditional education system product is an employee. The College educates people so that they can comply with requirements and follow instructions of others. It does not promote entrepreneurial skills that are natural in every human being, but rather than represses them.

Therefore, are we as parents that we must seek ways to supplement the education of our children with a true education that will prepare them with the tools and the necessary mentality for their future well-being. If you need help with the financial education of their children, I invite you to where you will receive a free e-book that teaches you 10 facts that can teach their children about how to develop their entrepreneurial skills and have their own businesses. Of Bettina Langerfeldt, whose passion is to teach people of all ages like acquire a vision for your life, set goals and then pursue the specific education so that they can achieve them. EducacionParElExito.