It is Sir Ambrose Flemig in 1.904, applying to the effect Edison who produces the first vacuum tube, also call Diode so that it only has two elements, later in 1.906, Lee Forest, discovers the electronic amplification adding a new element to the diode, which could control a great current using a small one, this new element was called Triode of emptiness. The machine that merits more attention in this generation is the ENIAC, constructed by the Physicist Jhon Mauchly and the Electrical Engineer J. Presper Eckert, who was finished making at the end of 1,945 in the School of Electrical Engineering of Pensilvania. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was 5,000 times faster than their competitor but next, Harvard Mark I, counted on all the elements of a modern computer; Memory, CPU and Input/output, the greater difference with the present computers is that it used decimal numbers in his internal operations. 1.2 THE DIGITAL COMPUTER: VON NEUMANN John Von Neumann was the one who introduced the binary arithmetic in the construction of computers and in the 1.950 complete EDIAC. After the work with the ENIAC, Mauchly and Eckert made, in 1.949 BINAC (Ordenador Binario Automtico), later developed the UNIVAC I, that attracted the public attention powerfully since it predicted the presidential victory of Eisenhower in 1.952.
also in 1.951 J.W Forrester discovered the memory of magnetic bulls. Also in 1.951 Forrester constructed to a called computer eddy, designed to control the aerial traffic and the air defense, had the capacity to reach great speed and discharge storage capacity, which was realised in drums and magnetic tapes, these present magnetic drums are similar to them disc, but in cylindrical form. 1,3 CARACTERISITICAS OF THE FIRST GENERATION: Use of emptiness valves? mass storage of data in drums and magnetic tapes 2 SECOND GENERATION OF COMPUTERS (1,959 to 1.964) 2.1 The TRANSISTOR In 1.947 by the Physicists Walter Brattain, William Shckley and John Bardeen, of Bell labs the discovery of the transistor (Contraction of the terms Resistor Transfer).