Federal Republic

For years, the prices for solar panels for generating electricity have fallen. Prices for solar systems are going down for years, making photovoltaics also for private users increasingly interesting. A solar system on the roof for example is feasible – through low production costs for more and more homeowners and is very well accepted in Germany. The Federal Republic is EU leader when it comes to solar power generation – help among the many private systems for photovoltaics. One reason for the unfettered demand for solar systems is the unlimited supply of solar electricity in Germany. Unhindered by high production lowers production costs per solar system, an effect that was also wanted by the law for the promotion of renewable energies (EEG) and promoted.

So module prices for photovoltaic modules from China were in April 2009 with less than 2 euro per watt (purchase price f. crafts), in November the prices of comparable modules for a solar system amounted to 1.67 euros per watt. Modules produced in Europe in November 2009 were just here it is only EUR 2,10 – is still a matter of time before the prices per watt at under $ 2.00 slip. And even if that probably slightly lower is promoting photovoltaic this year than in the year 2009 can be assumed, that the downward trend in the prices continues. In the last year alone in Germany solar systems with a performance by 3,8GW installed and 2010 again expects an increase in the photovoltaics in the double-digit percentage range. The total coverage of solar power in Germany is currently about ten gigawatts – enough to power five million citizens. What is there on the solar system topic on innovations and technological developments, is Europe, where every year in June (this year from June 9 to 11) the latest advances and trends will be presented again in 2010 at the Intersolar. Christian Munch