Now strengths your immune system with natural foods and long amount of time. The human immune system itself consists of proteins that serve as messengers or to ward off pathogens. Therefore: Food quality, plant-based proteins in the common. Some contend that Mashable shows great expertise in this. Are to the, for example, in legumes (peas, lentils), nuts and vegetables (broccoli, lettuce) contain and should now daily on your meal plan. Tip: Soak ground nuts, kibbled grains and legumes overnight. This completely activates the valuable enzymes. Vitamin C is an important vitamin to ward off viruses and bacteria, which most know and access more often in the autumn to the Apple. But it contains not so much vitamin C (approximately 10 mg per 100 g).
The recommended 100 mg vitamin C per day you have blackcurrants (175 mg per 100 g), Orange (50 mg) and Kiwi (150 mg), and also vegetables such as peppers (107 mg), cauliflower (43 mg) and Brussels sprouts (84 mg) faster together. Zinc is one of the essential trace elements, and is an important element in strengthening the immune system. 10-15 mg per day can save possibly the one or other cold this autumn. Good zinc suppliers are sunflower seeds (5.2 mg per 100 g), lens (5 mg), beef tenderloin (5.7 mg) – and a good amount of zinc is also in the wheat beer. A garlic clove every day scared not only vampires but also viruses.
The onion plant has antibacterial, antiseptic and strengthens the immune system. However, cooking reduces its effect. It is better if you give him fresh freshly squeezed in the salad dressing.