Integrated System

This boarding, presented in Figure 6, allows the continuous control on the interfaces between the processes, as well as its interactions. Figure 6 – Sequence and Interaction between the processes. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Viacom. Source: Manual of the Integrated System of the Quality 5.3.1.Estrutura of the documentation figure 7 shows the structure of used documentation in the Integrated System of the Quality, being demonstrated to the main elements of the management system and the interaction between the same ones. Figure 7 – Structure of the documentation. Source: Manual of the Integrated System of the Quality organizacional 5.3.2.Estrutura the organizacional structure of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil, as Figure 8, shows the interaction of the staff who manages, plays and verifies activities that influence in the management of the ArcelorMittal Inox Brazil.

Figure 8 – Organizacional structure. Source: Manual of the Integrated System of the Quality 5.3.3.Acompanhamento of the Integrated System of the Quality the company uses a System of Management – GPS (Governana For the Success), in it each management has access to the pointers of its responsibility where they launch, periodically, the reached results. In the GPS it is possible to visualize ' ' faris' ' of each goal, when the result if presents in the green color, it indicates that the goal was reached, when is with a shunting line of up to 5% and forecast of recovery, the lighthouse is yellow and when result is below of the goal biggest that this percentage, the lighthouse is in the red color, as example of figure 9. Figure 9 – Screen of accompaniment of pointers in the GPS. Source: Manual of the user? Vestibule SIG 5.4.Metodologia Word Class Manufacturing – WCM Translated as? producer of world-wide classroom? , the Word Class Manufacturing – WCM was developed by the companies ArcelorMittal, Fiat and Saint-Gobain, in set with the University of Kyoto. ' ' One is not about rupture with the methodology of the TPM.