In times when fewer users the Solution use, but also less cost.” Smaller companies have the advantage to use a high-quality BI method with low one time investment, which is often beyond the budget in the classical license model. Despite the flexibility threatens no cost trap: for power users, more than twelve days a month using the pay-per-use license, the cost is capped: from the 13th day of the month is free to use. There are no other charges imposed until the end of the month. Because active BIC contains also modular license levels, a fee is payable only for the functions actually used. The typical report recipient who is conducting some further analysis only in its reports, can use these methods to a price tag. He wants to create new reports on individual days or use planning methods, he pays a higher price for these days. Because active logistics which can group billing on request after the user’s cost center, can be assigned to the fees accordingly. Active BIC does not require that prospective buyers are already active logistics customers.
The interfaces to the BI solution are open and standardized. A company can expand the solution itself and extend it to its own data sources. Entrants will be granted an introduction workshop with a 30-day trial at cost price. Then is the minimum contract period of 36 months. The cost of support and updates are included in the user-independent monthly fee. The first customer response to our new licensing model exceeded our expectations”, Jens Spaniel, head of business development, notes.
As an example, the non-recurring costs about 5,000 euros amounted for a company with five users. Even our two-day introductory workshop is included. The monthly cost varies then between 400 and 600 euros.” For comparison: when purchasing a license 20,000 euros plus the would including project work for five users annually to calculating maintenance costs. The non-recurring costs of a pay-per-use offer about 14,000 euro as well as the monthly costs are 100 users by the way between 1,800 and 2,500 euros. More information: press contact: Tobias Low main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone: 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Gisela Rosendahl active Logistics GmbH Gahlenfeldstrasse 53 58313 Herdecke phone: 0 23 30 / 91 91 431 about active logistics: simple and efficient complete solutions for companies in the logistics sector and the manufacturing industry form the focus of the active offer logistics. The applications of the company include all areas of the supply chain and all modes of transport. Developed on the basis of a detailed analysis of the right IT solution active logistics tailored to the needs of the customers. The staff of software experts experienced in forwarding and logistics come with proven building blocks always in a simple and direct way to the target. In addition, active operates logistics in the Hessian Niederaula, one of Europe’s largest data centers for the transport and logistics sector. About 80 percent of the customers of the service provider are connected to the data center. From these companies, about 13,000 users every day use the software and systems by active logistics.