Las Rozas

Relativizing the capacity and the possibility of rules and standards. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Viacom. Not opposed to the thoughts or reflective reasoning of the other but incorporating them, combining them, and transforming the creativity includes reformulate ideas and make it as an expectation not a risk, errors should serve us to restart the process of reflection, create new hypotheses, sharing, imagination, intuition, logic, aesthetic sense. You need a rich environment that stimulates creative thinking, something that appears to be essential. It is important to keep the spontaneity, recognize creators efforts and strengthen the creative capacity. Barron (1969) Note that the creative process includes an incessant dialectic between integration and expansion, convergence and divergence, texis and antithesis.

Creativity and Cognition article: Producing Effective Novelty, Arthur J. Cropley (1999) mentions several experts explaining the creative thinking contrasting two strategies. The first is Guilford, who argues that creative thinking is divergent, i.e. it produces variability (involves producing new and potential multiple answers from the information available). In contrast, convergent thinking produces uniqueness (only search the more correct answer). Barlett, for its part, considers that thought can be open or closed. In turn, the Gestalt philosophy, identifies the productive and reproductive thought. Bono sets that thinking can be linear or side.

On the other hand, Rothenburg classifies thought in one janusiano, this relates to work two issues simultaneously; He also called thought homoespacial, which unites two seemingly conflicting ideas, or that are mutually, to produce novelty. Human thought is in my opinion a whole running while may be analysed by parties in an experimental work in a set of processes that separate, unrelated would have no ability to create. Say this from the perception that I have in most of the subjects that offer us analysis of the parts, and I have a feeling academic (necessary but not sufficient condition) be contemplating images of a human being lame or invalidated in some features that are stigmatized as controllable and so little scientific (but affection and fear are emotions that we condition up in the more experimental situations, and even affection leads as we have seen a creativity Enhancer elementreflection and rationality. And the flight even produces us personal constructs such as learned helplessness and then this becomes an obstacle to our rationality thought. How useful is knowing! Reflective thinking arises when we want to verify the solidity, the rational, something that we are dealing with, i.e. to prove its veracity. Except in probability judgments modules and elaboration of hypotheses, where one takes for good rules that must be followed to reach these concepts throughout has been a continuous reflection, and see how they reflect on the reason for the errors with the theories of Kahneman and Tversky on the heuristics of representativeness and accessibility, it has been refreshing, repositions the concepts of formal to filter mode logic and invites us to reflect any perspective, that if, with an orderly and arduous work.