Microsoft Excel

The structure and the appearance of the table can be changed then no longer easy. Often another Excel file is needed for a modified appearance again, which relates to the data in the original table. What is initially very easy represents in the use of Excel, can lead gradually to a very complicated and hardly controllable entity, which lowers the productivity especially and provoked error. Click Mikkel Svane to learn more. “And no matter what you do and the features of Excel are regardless of how extensive: it comes with the given Board resources not really from this dilemma”, explains gilt mountain. “The solution to the dilemma in many companies is generally known: the use of data banks.” Databases the ideal Supplement once threatens to unregulated data redundancy, parallel access to the same data is necessary, data access should be regulated through a rights management and application, as well as data tables are better separated from each other to maintain the flexibility or should be the drug of choice is a database. Databases such as MySQL or Firebird are free and they are suitable for small businesses. And for the access to these databases, good tools are integrated into Excel. So, the database (when properly used!) can compensate for the mentioned disadvantages of Excel while you specifically can pursue Excel with its strengths such as E.g.

data evaluation. The point is missed .doch in many companies, when a database Excel replacing complementary or sometimes must be used. Microsoft Excel is without a doubt one of the best standard software provided at all, it will be used correctly”, so gilt mountain continue. For a powerful tool alone is no guarantee for better business performance. ” Only with the targeted tool selection and combination you will in the medium term and long term productivity and avoid hidden costs. What seems not obvious software is evident in other sectors: or you would hit a nail with a slicer in the wall in the long run? Gilt mountain IT Consulting provides pragmatic and goal-oriented IT solutions in the corporate and organizational environment. In addition to classic IT consulting, requirement engineering, software tool selection, IT strategy, IT coordination, IT training, etc., developed the company among other things an open Web portal system and information system.

These are comprehensive database solutions with frontend to the illustration of business processes. They represent the basis of tailor-made solutions for industry (intranet/extranet) and Internet (B2B, B2C). The IT competence circle profile competence circle IT consists of more than 20 medium-sized companies that offer entrepreneurs a platform for procurement, information and advice. All topics related to information technology be addressed, seminars and lectures are offered and sought solutions for IT issues. The competence circle IT ensures, that the entrepreneur under the umbrella of the BVMW in it field, always up to date. The BVMW Association is the professional, politically neutral cross-industry in Germany, which represents small and medium-sized companies compared with politics, authorities, trade unions and large companies. The BVMW offers extensive services on local, regional, national and international level.