The growth is as bigger of the historical series, behind only of February of 2008, when 1.264.902 new users had been registered in cadastre. This technology came to be, and if it translates new form of cultural writing. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Robotics expert . Its high index of use is rule also in the pertaining to school environment. However, this use lacks of norms and clarification on the ethnic one of its prxis, for the fact of that we live deeply the age of the information and the knowledge, in such a way is necessary inquiry so that if it can to establish its use of ethical form in the classrooms, since this tool gradually is adentrando the pertaining to school universe. Necessary if it makes the search of the true knowledge with which the use of this technology will be justified as form to add knowledge in the pertaining to school environment. The technology concept if discloses as ' ' set of knowledge, scientific principles, that if apply to one definitive branch of atividade' '. 7 Its conception serves to the use of techniques and methods, also is appraised as tools, maquinrios and/or other inventions human beings.
For Bueno (1999, p.87), express technology if as ' ' a continuous process through which the humanity molds, modifies and generates its quality of vida' '. In the educational context, the technology serves to the definitive one for Moran (2006): It is important to always connect education with the life of the pupil. To arrive at the pupil for all the possible ways: for the experience, the image, the sound, the representation (dramatizaes, simulation), for multimedia, for the interaction online and off-line. 8 In extension to the citation of Moran, to connect the academic with the others and too much people for the cellular one. The technologies, the example of the cellular one must be glimpsed as ally of the education.