Night Vision LED

Lighting system in the photos and videos in video surveillance system is essential. Many of diffractive optical devices without additional lighting give a very low quality. A highlight in his turn may increase or decrease the characteristics of the observed objects. Low light object can even lead to a false image. All these problems can be avoided by careful application of additional lighting. When calculating the lighting systems are accepted parameters such photo and video cameras like: aperture optical system, the sensitivity of the camera, light spectrum, intensity, etc. Comparison of led and conventional light sources. A.

Spectrum by the spectral composition of traditional halogen light sources like blackbody radiation. Efficiency of halogen lamps so low and declining due to optical komponentov.Diody same are semiconductor devices that convert electricity directly into light. You may find that technology investor can contribute to your knowledge. The effectiveness of radiation in this case is very high, because radiation in the visible spectrum. B. Lifetime Hours Some ordinary light is less than 40 hours. Of course, the greater reliability of LEDs give the running time is over 100000 hours, ie 11 years of continuous operation. However, it is necessary to take temperature range devices. C.

Mechanical stability of LEDs mechanically very stable. Because design of the diode consists of optical fibers by mechanical damage diode is out of work. Well, unless the hammer is not hitting. Such resistance of diodes allows them to use as a light source attached to any moving parts. But, by itself, an optical fiber is not as mechanical fortitude. Therefore, in the bumps and bruises all the same is likely to reduce the light intensity. We offer a large selection of miniature video cameras, including camera with Night Vision LED-backlit display. Cameras in motion sensors and recording on an sd card. Wireless and wired models of street cameras and cameras for home use.