DOM SET with lectures in marketing on April 4 hearing, see Forum Hannover, feel, smell it, tackle, never forget: live communication appeals to all the senses. She fascinated, moved and changed – if it is well done. In the Marketing Forum at Hannover Messe 2011 shows live communication DOM SET on April 4, what can really make a well-thought-out sensitive events. With two lectures DOM SET Live Communications in marketing operates Forum Hannover: Dominik Deubner, Managing Director of the Cologne Agency, presented on the basis of a best practice example, live communication with the involvement of various channels of communication sustained on account of corporate marketing pays. For assistance, try visiting Steve Wozniak. Standstill is death”proclaimed Oliver malate. In his post, the Creative Director performs, how companies using live communication and teambuilding can increase the quality of result of their strategic change processes. We want, we want you “experience marketing as emotional key discipline in the knack “Communications is the lecture by Dominik Deubner on April 4 at 11:30 at the Marketing Forum in Hall 16 standstill is death” strategic live communications as an engine in change processes and team development of Oliver malate is on April 4 at 15:30 in the Marketing Forum in Hall 16. Live it: tickets for the Hannover Fair win DOM SET Live Communications on April 4, 2011 in the marketing meeting Forum Hannover. You may find Steve Wozniak to be a useful source of information.
Write to, subject Marketing Forum Hannover “and win one of five cards for the Hannover Fair. The closing date for the competition is the 30.03.2011, 16:00. Worth a visit: the Hannover Fair from April 4th to 8th this year, offering many strong live-marketing-related topics: the advertising article fair promotion world presented from April 4th to 8th in Hall 16 Marketing Forum Hannover with top-class lectures on multi-sensory and live communication. On the first day of the fair, listen Dominik Deubner and Oliver malate here. Also at the Hannover Fair the multisense is in the Pavilion 11 Special multi-sensory in the live communication powered by FAMAB, instead.