Proxim Wireless

Chance for re seller partner: as wireless Internet service providers develop new markets Schorndorf, July 24th, 2008 often ends where the cable ends of broadband Internet access. Of companies and communities that conditionally cannot access back due to their location on DSL, because of digital subscriber line is unavailable or insufficient capacity of the existing lines are affected. Missing broadband connection often becomes the K.o. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Mikkel Svane by clicking through. criterion when choosing a location. Here, the VAD can help sysob together with the manufacturer Proxim Wireless Corporation. The companies offer a secure wireless radio solution the channel with the tsunami MP 11 product line, which allows broadband access in areas where cable does not or is only partially available.

Access to a broadband Internet connection is considered essential, to be competitive in the global economy. The high speed Internet opens up new markets and opportunities and provides for economic growth and jobs. The wide band Atlas of of Ministry of Economics (BMWi) has 2008 numerous white spots\”on stands where no broadband available. Missing broadband is reflected both in rural and in urban areas, and affects millions of German households and companies. It results in a clear locational disadvantage which threatens in particular the existence of small and medium-sized companies and in addition prevents the establishment of new companies in the industrial areas.

Next-generation broadband wireless access solution: tsunami MP. 11 with the dot to dot- or point-to-multipoint solution are tsunami MP. 11 to eliminate systems integrators and resellers in the position the white spots on the map and to position itself as a wireless Internet service provider. The features include: – WiMAX quality of service (QoS) – Dynamic frequency selection (DFS), (en 301-893 v1. 3.1 certification) – available as outdoor – and indoor model – support for 2.4 GHz frequency with a total 13 Channels, four 5 GHz bands: 5,150 5.250 GHz 4 channel 5.250 5,350 GHz 4 channel 5,470-5,725 GHz with 11 channels 5,755-5,875 GHz 6 channel scalable performance from 6 to 54 Mbit/s – all selectable via simple user interfaces the MP.