Roofing Installation Of Metal

Each of us wants to have a roof over your head. Its functional aspect is not even subject to debate: a roof to protect from moisture, and other external influences, and also serves as a decoration of the building. Well and quality produced by assembling the roof, no doubt, will give you a feeling of comfort, safety and aesthetic pleasure. Installation of the roof is not easy and is done in several stages. To date range roofing materials is quite broad and diverse, willing to please even the most demanding taste. But very often they prefer metal. On such a choice influenced by several factors: relatively low cost materials and ease of installation, which is worth discussing in more detail. Immediately prior to installing the roof needs to know its size.

Particular attention should be paid to the slope of the roof – it will depend on laying technology. If the slope is less than 14 degrees, the metal is placed in two waves overlap. The next step is hydro-and steam insulation and attic. This is done to the inside of the not of metal condensation. Hydro-and steam insulation is made by placing a special film and insulating material.

Next by lathing. To do this, bought wedges (crates) thickness of 2.5 cm x5, which nailed boards (kontrobreshetki) at the appropriate wavelength of metal. In order to protect the bottom bracket weatherproof sheathing is nailed curtain rail. Crate which carries the curtain rail is usually thicker than other by 10-15 mm. After installation, you must install the cornice valley and begin laying metal. Steel plates fixed with screws with a frequency of 8.6 pieces on one square meter. Of course, that completely cover the process of assembling the roof, to learn the subtleties of the skill of a descent is impossible. And if you're interested in installation of metal roofing, it is better entrust it to professionals. Ltd. "Profile" – roof and facade of the manufacturer