Powerful robust Far marine diesel engines provide a significant service life up to 40 000 Working hours, ease of maintenance and have low fuel and oil. Auxiliary and emergency Marine diesel generators are designed for installation on board ships with a class of MS. Operating conditions correspond to the performance of the ship’s diesel generator OM when placed in the ship’s spaces of category 4 according to GOST 15150-69. Marine generator meets the requirements of the Rules of the classification and construction of ships or vessels of the Russian Register of Shipping (PPP) or the Russian Maritime Register (PMC) and come with a certificate of the PPP or the PMC. Marine Diesel can operate at maximum capacity within an hour of continuous operation. In this repeat modes for maximum power – no less than 6 hours of work in other modes.
Total flight time for maximum power must not exceed 10% of total operating time. Diesel ship can operate at the minimum allowable capacity after prolonged use. CONSERVATION marine diesel generators, 6h (n) 18/22 Conservation of marine diesel, spare parts, tools and equipment made to protect them from atmospheric corrosion during storage and transportation of stock or on the vessel when not running for more than three months. Conservation to be the metal surfaces of products, including metallic and inorganic coatings. Painted surfaces are not subject to conservation. In the marine environment conservation is to -site marine diesel, with major repairs – at a specially equipped areas at 288 K (15 C) and relative humidity above 70%.
The temperature of incoming products for conservation should be equal to or slightly above room temperature. The room should be isolated from the penetration of any gases, vapors, which can cause corrosion. Marine diesel generators that come on conservation, not must have corrosion damage of metal, as well as damage to paint, metal and other surfaces. All materials used for conservation, must comply with relevant standards or other technical documentation, duly approved. All of the available surface of the tested marine diesel should be inspected to identify corrosion. The detected traces of corrosion on steel and iron details are stripped sanded, soaked in oil on aluminum – scraper, cleaned from mechanical impurities, degreased and dried. To the surface prepared for preservation, touch with bare hands is not allowed. In order to prepare for the conservation of marine diesel to do the following: a) the cooling system free from water, rinse with 5% solution emul’sola and dry.