Small Architectural Forms

In the modern improvement of the urban environment is increasingly along with gardening talk about placement in the space of small architectural forms. What is it? The very concept of small architectural forms (short IAF) has arisen long and under him understand the structures, equipment and art and decorative objects external improvements to complement the main building of settlements. By IAF include kiosks, vending machines, fixtures outdoor lighting (or as they are now fashionably called – landscape lights), stands for posters and advertisements, stairs, fences, garden and park buildings, fountains, obelisks, plaques, urban street furniture, urns, etc. The notion long ago, but if earlier improvement districts was limited to laying asphalt on the pavement and the placement of several ballot boxes, now mayor, for example, Krasnoyarsk, are increasingly focused on aesthetic transformation of cities. All this leads to what are increasingly talking about the improvement of urban environment with small architectural forms. In most cases, architectural forms have only functional significance, but in recent years were added to it yet and aesthetic. Thus, in squares and parks placement IAF allows to divide the territory in certain areas, different in their perception, or allows accents in the right places.

More recently, there was a tendency in a single design of entire neighborhoods being built cities. A single style, which are decorated small architectural forms, too, should, in theory, is related to urban design, harmoniously with the concept of development. Small forms can be collected on site from pre-made components, and transported to the installation site in the form of finished products. To ready IAF recently imposed many requirements. These are standard: efficiency, aesthetics, safety, functionality, manufacturability, and custom, the main one – is versatility. Most often, customers, and this is usually the administration of cities, want a standard set of elements of the LFA could create custom and, as a rule, more functional system of small architectural forms.

The use of such systems leads to the fact that the territory which is done with their help, it is unique, and better adapted to a comfortable rest, and therefore more popular. That, in ultimately have a positive impact on the image of urban municipal bodies, providing urban amenities. Unfortunately, very few firms involved in the creation of small architectural forms, conduct unifying elements of the LFA. Preferring to just create more cheap small forms, and thus win the market. The more so on the current legislation required the administration of territories during the tenders for the purchase of IAF to choose the cheaper offer. But cheap does not mean that the qualitative and, importantly, aesthetic line of architectural forms the established appearance of urban development. Therefore, in these conditions, the main responsibility lies with the architects and designers who develop any project construction or improvement of the urban environment.