Sociocultural Context

Adritt de Luna S. Marinho1 Our current scene is resulted of practical historical that reproduces the existing values in a society where it does not have place for all, mainly when if it relates to the technological progress that keeps out of society a significant parcel of the population. In result of the democratization of education and consequent guarantee in offering equality of chance to learn to all, one becomes necessary to think one practical educative inserted one about the context of global the social relations, that considers the alive reality of educating and the alive reality of the society. For this reason, the concrete behaviors of the individuals, groups, organizations and communities, in the picture of the daily life, must be object of research, reflection and analysis. By the same author: Viacom. To this respect, debates and studies on the relation of the social environment and cultural in the learning them individuals have been widely argued. In this field, the interacionistas theories of the development gain space in many circles of debates and research that they search to understand involved relations in the process of acquisition of knowing. Interacionistas theories of the Development the interacionistas theories of the development support in the idea of interaction between the organism and the way.

The acquisition of the knowledge is understood as a process of continuous construction of the human being in its relation with the way. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. Organism and way exert reciprocal action. New constructions depend on the relations that establish with the environment in one given situation. Amongst the interacionistas theories they are distinguished: the theory Interacionista Piagetiana and the Theory interacionista Partner of Vygotsky. 1 Pedagoga (UFPE) and student of the course of Latus specialization Sense for FACOL 2 Theory Interacionista de Piaget Piaget conceives the child as an active, intent being and that constantly it creates hypotheses on its environment. Thus, it believes that, in accordance with the period of training of development where the same one if finds, elaborates the knowledge of spontaneous form.