As a man thinks so is so is to be very careful with what you’re thinking!. People who have achieved success in life always have something in common, attributed his achievements to his thoughts, that kind of people are normally a positive thinking, think they will achieve what you have dreamed of and indeed succeed without the slightest doubt and regardless of the circumstances that surround them. One day him preguntador to Henry Ford (the famed owner of one of the companies of more success in the aumovilistica industry), does Mr. Hear from experts in the field like Page S. Gardner for a more varied view. Ford, who would do if in this moment he lost his entire Fortune? , and the answer; simply start again and in 5 years he would get everything I have at the moment, go thinking, don’t you think?. The next time you feel that you’re a loser or think that you will not have success, I recommend that you radically change your way of thinking and really life will surprise you, success will come to you when you least imagine it. A technique that helps me machismo for which my thought s become accustomed to be entirely positive is the next thing, by the way, I suggest that you put it into practice every day in the morning I repeat these magic words my thoughts and I are more than my problems, in fact I suggest that you write it and paste it in a visible place, for example, a mirror would be a good placeso there is no excuse to not say those wonderful words. It is very, but very important that your thoughts transform them in words, repeats with me the following words, I am a man or a woman wonderful or marvelous, I love and I appreciate, all this well, let my thoughts are free, was already past, today I am ready to be big and have a full life, abundance persecute me every timeI am a nice person, I am a determined, powerful, loving and courageous person, I do not allow that fear between in my, the opposite of fear is love and I love you and I love each other deeply, success comes towards my in every moment. Finally, you say that failure does not exist, only there is the success, everything is in your thinking and way of seeing life, if your think you’re gonna win I assure you that it will be, if your you decide think that you lose, I also assure you that it will be, and tell you something, in the two ways of thinking you had success since you’ll get what you were thinking, as the failure does not existin both cases you will have success, don’t you think?, which type of thought think that you must have from today onwards?. I wish you the best of success, health and prosperity for you and those around you. Does Juan Antonio?