Tag: can be

Hair Removal

How hair can be removed. Various methods are described. A walk on the beach and a quick look in the round immediately reveal the current trend of body hair, no body hair. Where in the 60s to 80s men in toy design were, the guys look today more like building blocks, mostly smooth. In our latitudes, especially breast and armpit is shaved, the ladies must toil around with her long legs. But a plague must not necessarily be the Schur, there are numerous different methods of hair removal. The following shall be entered on five of these methods.

What are the grounds? You can turn it and how you want reasonable, in the sense of rational reasons for the removal of body hair there is not. Some people carry religious arguments in the field, other sports, many (false) health reasons. What hardly anyone wants to admit are the removal of hair is a purely cosmetic issue, it is solely the Reaching an ideal of beauty. For shaving and epilating? Both men and women prefer access to the Shaver. The procedure is fast and uncomplicated and not painful with a bit of practice in most cases.

The razor cut hair shortly above the surface of the skin, so that it is no longer feel ideally. Disadvantage, however, is that the hair relatively quickly regrow, for really smooth skin, must be taken every day to the Shaver. Who bothered it, can try epilation. These devices access the hair with tweezers and pull it together with the root of the skin. The result can be seen, and for up to four weeks. However the epilation with the shaving is to compare, because it is much more painful and suitable even for sensitive skin/persons. How it looks with wax or cream? Who too harshly epilate sounds, must be via thoughts not only grow make. This heated strips of wax on the skin be pressed and then torn down, so that the hairs and roots are removed. Everyone can imagine that this is not pleasant. This possibly allergies occur because the wax can contain substances, which some people are allergic. The same applies to depilatory creams. If you would like to know more about Alina de Almeida, then click here. These are though painless, but allergic reactions can cause. Both wax should creams are tested on small areas of the skin and generously applied for response lack of. Also a doctor, the best an allergist, can be visited in case of doubt. That’s also durable? Long term hair removal is an interesting, albeit expensive alternative to the procedures described for many people. The roots of the hair are a laser and Folikel removed / destroyed. It will grow no more hair at this point. As described, numerous methods exist, the five are the most popular and most widely used. Which alternative is the best depends on pain sensitivity, skin type and price.