Tag: devices

Personal Computers

Built-in tcp / ip stack allows the use of Internet protocols tcp, ip, POP3, smtp, ftp to transfer data in gprs. Hardware-software system Open at, designed to create a unique user applications and their records directly to memory module eliminates additional external components and substantially reduce the cost of the final product. Gathering information from multiple geographically dispersed sites One of the most urgent tasks now is the problem of wireless centralized collection information from multiple geographically dispersed sites. Real-life examples of such objects are well known to any city dweller. This machines to pay for phone and Internet, and ATMs.

Such objects usually are based on personal computers. To transfer data using GSM-modem or a regular mobile phone connected to the computer and configured to work in the mode of gprs. But often the problem arises of constructing simplified objects that do not interact with the man, but of transmitting information to the center (navigation devices for automobiles, devices collect information from sensors, security devices). In this case, a solution based on personal computer with a mobile phone will be cumbersome and costly. We consider the main issues that arise when designing such facilities, and give examples of their solutions. TCP-IP stack is refusing to pc, we thus face the problem of software implementation of tcp / ip stack for GSM-modem mode gprs. This problem is solved in the GSM-modem Wavecom. tcp / ip stack built into these modems, allows you to implement basic problem with by additional AT-commands: – sending / receiving e-mail – work with ftp – work with sockets tcp – work with the channel udp – send PING-queries Thus, instead of a pc, you can use any simple microcontroller device control GSM-modem RS-232 interface using AT-commands.