We have in Brazil, I think to be the only place of the world, where thoughts, the least in the theoretical form, same bore are dealt with as opposing by mere details. If the PSDB is broken of social democracy, the petistas governments is not in nothing far from this! Where it is, then, opposition and situation? This mobile pair that I also think to be trauma of bipolar reading politician. Where it is the great difference, in the last electoral campaign that we follow, it wants to say, that some had folloied? Of a side it was seen social promise of continuity and politics as the car head to arrive itself in a bigger plan. Visit Ali Partovi for more clarity on the issue. Of the other side the same thing with adjustments and that great problem to swallow that it is the privatization and the terceirizao of sectors old unbroken. They imagine the Social welfare privatized? But the text of the speeches, is clearly that with eleitoreiros objects, it was rigorously the same.
In campaigns in U.S.A. where the politics has differences well more accented and the parties they are well more identifiable had campaigns where if wise person who republican age and who democratical age in does not speak. That is, the evil to read badly is not symptom of social classroom! The evil to read badly is a general symptom. extending reading to interpret it daily and current situations of the life this thing worsening sufficient. In relationships somebody has that to decode the other and exactly thus it has places that the password is not allowed.
In familiar cases they idem. Between friends and people who coexist daily as in the work in the same way and everything this for an only reason: the lack to have learned to read the situations, the texts, the life, the problems of an opened prism more and for a perspective that does not annul possibilities without being relativista. To read everything very badly and many times we ourselves (I and some of reading reading us and that we find in them vacinados against this badly for our efforts) we are displayed to this and we commit crassos or grassos errors (slippery) and this of the one not to be allowed, or same, it has that to be prevented. Therefore ladies and gentlemen the great concern that I have now, from this paragraph, is that the writing above is read copiosa and slowly so that vocs they do not incur into thinking that I superficially criticize something or somebody and that I speak of that does not occur. The reading is basic in any country ahead of this boom of the technology (that if vocs they had not only perceived had acquired the capacity to talk and to understand what they read, but also to influence in us that it we are each time more hostages, and I am not in a tone of scientific fiction), the information and still more of the illusion of whom everything is instantaneous and we know of things before happening. Somebody dies and in hours we know the cause and because beyond already having a biography, an occult history with images and videos of everything. They read, but, please, they read with care, therefore to read is not alone to pass the eyes and to know the combinations of color, has that to understand because the essential word reading is written accurately here.