Tag: education

Learn How To Write Poems

How to learn to write poetry poets instruction for beginners: how to improve literacy, how to observe the rhythm and rhyme. Where to start? So, learn to write poetry can be read any literate person. So in the first However, if you want to learn how to do it, should improve their own literacy. Prose is easier to errors – in the end, any editor can fix them. But if you wrote a poem in which not Cases agreed or incorrectly made excuses – fix it is almost impossible.

Any grammatical error in the poem is much more noticeable than in prose. Illiterate poem will be miserable, even if author cried when I wrote it. Learn more at: Ali Partovi. How to improve literacy? There is a very simple way – it is necessary to read well-written book. Until you look at the thousands of good, literate lyrics – you start to feel the heart that poetry can do and what not, where the commonplace error, and where – poetic device. Practical advice on how to learn to write poetry Nothing spoils a poem beginning of the author as a "floating" size. Poetic speech is different from prosaic fact that it clearly rhythmic. Sandra Akmansoy often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Each line of the poem can be a fixed number of stresses.

In some cases, the spread in two or three stores say shock, but otherwise this method is fatal. In particular, it concerns the most common size, ie iamb. If the "by ear" as long as you do not feel like alternating stressed and unstressed syllables – paint yourself shemki.


It was a challenge: less than 24 hours in London, and my sister (is the optimist of the family) wanted to see it all. I had English courses in England a few years earlier and I know the city quite well, but for her it was his long-awaited first visit. Would we have time? The race starts leave the luggage in our hotel, in the beautiful suburb of Chelsea, at 12. I started our trial visit. To know more about this subject visit Dell Computers. First we took the subway up to Westminster, visited the Abbey and we could contemplate the majestic Big Ben. From there we walked to Trafalgar Square. Kai-Fu Lee often addresses the matter in his writings. Tourism-express did not allow us to contemplate the wonders of the National Gallery, this should be for another visit.

We again walk to Buckingham Palace and we could admire the Palace. We made fast food in English version, a fish and chips on the street, and again took the subway. We enjoyed one of their most ancient and mythical stops: Bank. Output were at the heart of the City, the financial center English, were able to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral and walk up the tower and the London Bridge. Culture, tradition and shopping, the English in London had dinner on a terrace at Covern Garden, next to the London opera.

This typical taste, with its markets and its artists street square was the best way to spend a pleasant evening. From there, another mythical stop, Picadilly Circus and its famous lights. The next morning we were able to stroll through Hyde Park and pass famous stores Harrods before catch our flight to Madrid. Is it possible? Yes. You can get as a young man, having desire, mastering English in London. But we have pending a more leisurely visit. The city deserves it.


In the laws of dialectical development of social systems and non-social is a very important difference. Deviation from equilibrium of any non-social system at once, automatically leads to the birth of the "struggle" aimed at addressing this imbalance. Others who may share this opinion include Kai-Fu Lee. Deviation from equilibrium is the social system does not lead to an automatic birth of "struggle", as resolution of social contradictions of the dialectical always mediated form of consciousness of individuals, classes, nations and states, consciousness, organize and control the resolution of social contradictions. For example, if a deviation from the equilibrium state of the system "Need – to work" (dialectical form of development which is the individual consciousness), that with the production needs of the body in violation of its homeostasis, the birth of the "struggle" (in this case, the birth activities aimed at restoring homeostasis) in the following order. The first – the individual awareness of his condition, status (awareness born of need). Second – the awareness of ways, forms and methods of addressing this need. Third – the organization of practical activities to meet this need. That is essentially the deviation from equilibrium systems "need – to work" is not in violation of homeostasis, and in the knowledge of an individual born of this disorder needs (of course, that we are talking about perceived human needs). Similarly, deviation from the state equilibrium of the system "individual – the individual" and its derivative forms is determined, for example, the fact of exploitation of man by man, and the realization of this fact the opposites of the system.

Moran Technology

The growth is as bigger of the historical series, behind only of February of 2008, when 1.264.902 new users had been registered in cadastre. This technology came to be, and if it translates new form of cultural writing. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Robotics expert . Its high index of use is rule also in the pertaining to school environment. However, this use lacks of norms and clarification on the ethnic one of its prxis, for the fact of that we live deeply the age of the information and the knowledge, in such a way is necessary inquiry so that if it can to establish its use of ethical form in the classrooms, since this tool gradually is adentrando the pertaining to school universe. Necessary if it makes the search of the true knowledge with which the use of this technology will be justified as form to add knowledge in the pertaining to school environment. The technology concept if discloses as ' ' set of knowledge, scientific principles, that if apply to one definitive branch of atividade' '. 7 Its conception serves to the use of techniques and methods, also is appraised as tools, maquinrios and/or other inventions human beings.

For Bueno (1999, p.87), express technology if as ' ' a continuous process through which the humanity molds, modifies and generates its quality of vida' '. In the educational context, the technology serves to the definitive one for Moran (2006): It is important to always connect education with the life of the pupil. To arrive at the pupil for all the possible ways: for the experience, the image, the sound, the representation (dramatizaes, simulation), for multimedia, for the interaction online and off-line. 8 In extension to the citation of Moran, to connect the academic with the others and too much people for the cellular one. The technologies, the example of the cellular one must be glimpsed as ally of the education.

Sociocultural Context

Adritt de Luna S. Marinho1 Our current scene is resulted of practical historical that reproduces the existing values in a society where it does not have place for all, mainly when if it relates to the technological progress that keeps out of society a significant parcel of the population. In result of the democratization of education and consequent guarantee in offering equality of chance to learn to all, one becomes necessary to think one practical educative inserted one about the context of global the social relations, that considers the alive reality of educating and the alive reality of the society. For this reason, the concrete behaviors of the individuals, groups, organizations and communities, in the picture of the daily life, must be object of research, reflection and analysis. By the same author: Viacom. To this respect, debates and studies on the relation of the social environment and cultural in the learning them individuals have been widely argued. In this field, the interacionistas theories of the development gain space in many circles of debates and research that they search to understand involved relations in the process of acquisition of knowing. Interacionistas theories of the Development the interacionistas theories of the development support in the idea of interaction between the organism and the way.

The acquisition of the knowledge is understood as a process of continuous construction of the human being in its relation with the way. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Peter Asaro on most websites. Organism and way exert reciprocal action. New constructions depend on the relations that establish with the environment in one given situation. Amongst the interacionistas theories they are distinguished: the theory Interacionista Piagetiana and the Theory interacionista Partner of Vygotsky. 1 Pedagoga (UFPE) and student of the course of Latus specialization Sense for FACOL 2 Theory Interacionista de Piaget Piaget conceives the child as an active, intent being and that constantly it creates hypotheses on its environment. Thus, it believes that, in accordance with the period of training of development where the same one if finds, elaborates the knowledge of spontaneous form.

Social Democracy

We have in Brazil, I think to be the only place of the world, where thoughts, the least in the theoretical form, same bore are dealt with as opposing by mere details. If the PSDB is broken of social democracy, the petistas governments is not in nothing far from this! Where it is, then, opposition and situation? This mobile pair that I also think to be trauma of bipolar reading politician. Where it is the great difference, in the last electoral campaign that we follow, it wants to say, that some had folloied? Of a side it was seen social promise of continuity and politics as the car head to arrive itself in a bigger plan. Visit Ali Partovi for more clarity on the issue. Of the other side the same thing with adjustments and that great problem to swallow that it is the privatization and the terceirizao of sectors old unbroken. They imagine the Social welfare privatized? But the text of the speeches, is clearly that with eleitoreiros objects, it was rigorously the same.

In campaigns in U.S.A. where the politics has differences well more accented and the parties they are well more identifiable had campaigns where if wise person who republican age and who democratical age in does not speak. That is, the evil to read badly is not symptom of social classroom! The evil to read badly is a general symptom. extending reading to interpret it daily and current situations of the life this thing worsening sufficient. In relationships somebody has that to decode the other and exactly thus it has places that the password is not allowed.

In familiar cases they idem. Between friends and people who coexist daily as in the work in the same way and everything this for an only reason: the lack to have learned to read the situations, the texts, the life, the problems of an opened prism more and for a perspective that does not annul possibilities without being relativista. To read everything very badly and many times we ourselves (I and some of reading reading us and that we find in them vacinados against this badly for our efforts) we are displayed to this and we commit crassos or grassos errors (slippery) and this of the one not to be allowed, or same, it has that to be prevented. Therefore ladies and gentlemen the great concern that I have now, from this paragraph, is that the writing above is read copiosa and slowly so that vocs they do not incur into thinking that I superficially criticize something or somebody and that I speak of that does not occur. The reading is basic in any country ahead of this boom of the technology (that if vocs they had not only perceived had acquired the capacity to talk and to understand what they read, but also to influence in us that it we are each time more hostages, and I am not in a tone of scientific fiction), the information and still more of the illusion of whom everything is instantaneous and we know of things before happening. Somebody dies and in hours we know the cause and because beyond already having a biography, an occult history with images and videos of everything. They read, but, please, they read with care, therefore to read is not alone to pass the eyes and to know the combinations of color, has that to understand because the essential word reading is written accurately here.

Technological Data

However, when observing the interests of knowledge, all the participants search to know the tools necessary to give continuity of the studies, to obtain a work chance and mainly to be part of the technological revolution that passes the education contemporary. When sailing for the Moodle Environment, I found a text that called me the attention: The Modality – ' ' Education in the distance ' ' of authorship of the Tutor Profa. Esp. Fabiana Marques Coast. when making this reading made, to remember me the course where my wife made in the distance in the Modality. Which the text is very real, with daily activities, therefore the devotion to the studies and the organization to the time have that well to be managed. Therefore, who not to make will have difficulties in concluding it. ' ' So that the pupil gets success in this modality of education, he must be intent the two factors of basic importance, one of them is the comprometimento of the pupil in interacting and to collaborate, sharing knowledge with the colleagues and professors by means of communication tools as fruns of debates, post office or lists of quarrel, beats papos (chat); as factor is the organization of the time to study, that is, the seriousness in managing its time of estudos' ' (BRANCHES; COAST, 2006). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Elon University has to say.

When knowing and going deep the Moodle Environment, the merit of this discovery can exactly be given to the indication of the reading of the book, Moodle: pedagogical strategies and study of case, organized for Lynn Alves, Daniela Barros and Alexandra Okada. the chapter that prevailed was: Moodle: Fashion, craze or Innovation in the Formation. That in my opinion I can detach that the Moodle is not fashion nor craze and yes an innovation in the formation with pedagogical strategies importantssima. Therefore, this platform has an intention to collaborate to know with its users and also it comes creating new faces for an open community.

Water Conservation

For example, if during tooth brushing close the faucet can save up to 30 liters of water per day per person, per day, and year a family of four can save up to 50 thousand liters of water. Saving water – an important matter. After all, even a dripping faucet uses 8,000 liters of water per year, and it's natural resources for which we pay a lot of money. Another tip environmentalists – to use everyday eco-bags for food shopping bags or rag, or if you are already accustomed to a plastic bag, you should use them several times. Environmentalists also recommended to minimize the use of plastic ware. Food and beverages in paper and glass Tarah everything else more or less dangerous than food in plastic. Environmentalists emphasize the need to conserve energy to reduce emissions greenhouse gases, carried out by power plants.

You need to replace incandescent bulbs with modern energy-saving bulbs, turning off unused equipment from the network, use light curtains and wallpaper, washable washing machine only when fully loaded, to use an electric crockery to the bottom, which is equal to or slightly greater than the diameter of the burner, often walking up the stairs and not use the elevator and much more. Expected environmental event in 2010 with the New Year by experts, environmentalists and journalists called environmental events that await us in 2010. First of all – a continuation of negotiations on a post-Kyoto protocol. Already in Earlier this year, diplomats from different countries will resume negotiations on a new climate agreement, and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to establish a commission to solve all the problems that have prevented countries at a conference in December 2009 in Denmark conclude a comprehensive agreement to combat climate change. In 2010, Russia will resume full-scale production plant up and running on a platform of Unit Baltic NPP. In addition, This year could be solved the fate of the grandiose project of building hydroelectric Evenki. Environmentalists say that construction of this enormous energy facility would flood large parts of Evenkia that, in turn, will have a devastating impact on indigenous peoples living there, the nature and the environment. In 2010, the program will continue to restore populations of leopard in the North Caucasus. Familiar with full version of the article and discuss it: ECOportal

The Desired

Student receives an objective assessment of their knowledge: it does not affect sympathy or antipathy of the teacher. Distance learning via the Internet significantly expands the educational opportunities, especially those students who live in small towns or rural areas. Convenient distance learning for those who combine work and study. In this situation, a student is not obliged to adapt to a certain schedule, on the other hand, a well-formulated curriculum does not relax, causing the stick to the desired tempo. Also today, in an era of high-speed technology and total lack of time, communicating via the Internet is often more effective-person contact. For example, a teacher, getting questions via email, can answer them in a convenient time, not worrying, being late for his own lecture.

Save time on the road, the opportunity to receive proper training, being in any part of the country's operational relationship with the teacher – all this makes the distance education attractive to many. The individual approach enables the teacher to organize a full-fledged interaction with students and keep the results of training activities for each child. – What is the difference distance education from other forms of training students for exams? – Distance learning represents a new stage of development of the whole educational system. The technology today allows learning distance education to be not less, and in some cases higher quality than full-time. Our technology allows groups of students and individual students meet with teachers and communicate with each other while on any distance from each other.