Tag: environment


The anniversary of the ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The situation in Japan remains tense. Pollution, emissions, waste: degradable plastic too dangerous for the environment. Climate news: because of the warming erosion of the Arctic climate is sharply accelerated. News 'green' technologies: sugar cane – the source for biofuels and a cooler climate. In the animal world: the cuckoo hawks pretend to drive away birds and throw eggs. Science News: Scientists have discovered a new ancestor of land plants. In a question-answer forum Dave Clark Amazon was the first to reply. Our food: fresh fruit juices are also useful for health, as well as whole fruit.

The dates of the week: The International Earth Day. News of the legislation and Ministries of the State Duma suggests taking beetles to destroy drug trafficking. PHOTO of the week: "Luminous beings from the depths of the sea 'and' Earth, seen from the sky." Review of the week from 18.04.2011 to 04.24.2011. Anniversary environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico April 20 marked one year since the explosion at the BP platform in the Gulf of Mexico, which became the cause of the massive oil spill in history. Emergency oil well Deepwater Horizon has been cemented August 6, 2010. Leanne Marchevsky takes a slightly different approach. In general, to eliminate the impact of oil spill BP spent 6.1 billion dollars. This amount includes the cost of plugging wells emergency, locate the spot, drilling drainage wells and subsidies victims. And only a year after the accident on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico company British Petroleum has filed a lawsuit against the owner of Deepwater Horizon to recover $ 40 billion spent on the spill from 'black gold'. In addition, Oil company BP will provide $ 1 billion for projects to restore coastal waters and the Gulf of Mexico affected by the oil spill in 2010.

As Esau

According to Esau (1976), To sound (1992) and Nassif et al. (1998), the biticos and abiticos factors can affect the production of plntulas, therefore, it must be argued the effect of the interactions between the seeds and the environment. Periodic or lasting alterations in this standard obviously affect the exchange of genes and the structure of this population. Visit Dell for more clarity on the issue. In the tropical forests the animals assume important role in reproduction of the vegetal species, where its behavior can intervene continuously with the composition of the community and of the species. Therefore, considering that the research on the factors that affect the production of seeds and its consequent germination of forest species must include this more ecological and evolucionista vision that will contribute for the handling, recovery and the conservation of our tropical forests (Rasp & Rena, 1993). 3.1.2. Mechanisms of Germination As Esau (1976) the process of formation of the seed understands the fertilizao of the oosfera of vulo for one of the espermticos nuclei of the polnico pipe, giving origin to the zygote. This after that passes for a sequence of cellular divisions and fabric differentiation, culminating with the formation of the vital part of the seed, the embryo.

Cited for Vidal & Vidal (2000) the food for plntula to grow and to develop themselves is, in the first phase of the germination, removed of the reserves contained in the proper seed, for the development of the embryo. Depleted the alimentary reserves of the seed, plntula, in this second phase of the germination, already possesss for radiculares and parnquima clorofiliano in leves, in such way that already it can remove of the alone water and minerals, and to transform them into organic substance, from there the great importance of this process for fanergamas. In accordance with Rasp & Rena (1993) no-hormonais hormones and inhibiting substances are important internal controllers who regulate the germination of the seeds.

Ambient Principle

Although I to believe that this is not the way certain to arrive the support, short-term this can be an interesting idea to reduce the ambient impacts. I explain better, particularly I believe that the people would have to preserve the environment for understanding that it is necessary to be sustainable so that the life in the land is kept, however, thanks to the system who we face now, perhaps best solution is to apply measured that it has as white the profits of the polluting agents creating a thought line where to preserve the environment something is lucrative. Another important point of the principle Polluting agent-Payer is that the damage of the polluting agent is not charged only. If this was the case, who possessed much money could poluir indiscriminately. Being thus, this principle foresees that the damages in question need to be recouped making with that the area comes back to the original state.

But until point this is possible? The restoration of areas is a concept very argued inside of given biology its complexity. Many biologists at least believe that he is possible to make with that degraded areas return its original state. However, other strategies also can be used in intention to use to advantage impactadas areas in a sustainable way e, in this point, the beginning of Polluting agent-Payer can have a very important paper. In this in case that, through the taxes and mounts of money collected through the application of the principle it would be possible to recoup degraded areas not necessarily recompondo in the same way the area and yes generating units of conservation or sustainable use. Finally another point that I find important to stand out is the importance to use the biggest number of principles to decide a dispute. Exemplificando, the ideal would be that before thinking about internalizao or repair costs we would have to place in practical the principles of the precaution, prevention or responsibility and to prevent the ambient damages.

Professor Andres Crull

In such a way the demand for foods, water and even though vulnerable natural resources comes increasing each time more, reason this to justify so great devastao in the tropical forests, being thus about a question politics. The documentary one calls the attention for the new technological advances that of a side in them brought progressos in the medicine, but on the other hand came to contribute in the devastao of the nature. The author affirms that we must separate the reality of the fiction, therefore the information concerning the destruction of the planet necessary and is based on science, and of some form we as human beings independent of which country we inhabit we must take serious these information. The author makes an essential comment in its set of documents, affirming that the destruction of the planet comes being of gradual form, that is, is suffering with this destruction to the few, feeling the consequences day after day, being this one of the reasons for which we in such a way delay to take the due ones steps. After the exposition of the set of documents, the Professor Andres Crull pronounced a lecture the same approaching subject, affirming that much people believe that the earthquake is a revenge of the land against the man, as if the land was impersonatied.

The professor cites art. 225 of the Federal Constitution, affirming that the Right to the environment is basic, therefore are positivado in the Federal Constitution. Professor also affirms that is basic adoption of new habits for conservation of environment, and that this is a cause awareness joust that must indistinctly be taken by all, therefore must think not only about the current one as well as in the next generations, a proven time that the ambient goods are scarce as it is the example of the water. Andres Crull standes out that perhaps the fact of Al Gore to have lost the election the President of the United States for George W. Bushem is one of the facts most important in the history of the humanity, therefore this fact decided the life of millions of next people per the 50 years becoming it more difficult.

Communitarian Projects

One form of social technology that can be developed and be stimulated is the management of communitarian projects for the proper actors who live deeply one given reality. These projects, a time elaborated by and for the community, taking themselves in account the necessities and specific demands of that context, identified for who with it coexist, become important instruments for the people who normally are benefited by the politics and search to transform the conditions of its entorno. The application of the social technology is possible, as an efficient alternative for the solution of the social problems of each community. To work with community is a estimuladora experience and repleta of challenges, therefore it provides the chance to not only rethink its practical, as the nature of term of office. The initiative presented in this communitarian project of one horta is an example of intervention in the social reality, generating benefits that can be shared and be talked back for other communities. It is considered, therefore, that one is about a case of concrete application of the term of office.

2.3. Management of Communitarian Projects the term of office can be developed by means of the techniques of management of communitarian projects that contemplates the stages of elaboration, administration and evaluation as the natural cycle of a project. The emancipatria pedagogia of Pablo Freire (2005), the philosophy of work with communities of Clodovis Boff (1986), and the techniques of management of communitarian projects, of Fernando G. Tenrio (1998) make possible the delineation of a basic structure that guided the communitarian teams in the conception and construction of the project. To the pedagogical perspectives of Freire (2005) and Boff (1986), it is lined up the optics of term of office proposal for Tenrio (1998). For the author, the social one is ‘ ‘ privileged space of social relations where all have right to speaks, without no type of coao’ ‘ (TENRIO, 1998, P.