Tag: Equipment

Open Manufacturing

Knitting, it's your profession? Do you like to create, but to do it manually you do not like? Then the best option – buy an inexpensive knitting machine. Knitting thing is fun, but it may seem rather time-consuming process, but it depends solely on you. Learn more on the subject from Energy Capital Partners. At the moment, knitting machines on the market available in a wide range. It should be noted that the knitting machines are sold for a long time, but in the past implemented only to create scarves and blankets. Now knitting equipment can realize much more. If you want to seriously deal with knitting, you will need a good machine with lots of knitting different functions. Among the most popular brands tseletseobrazno to focus on the knitting machine Silver. These knitting machines – the perfect combination of parameters such as quality and cost.

Of course, impossible to completely get rid of hand-knitted, as for many people it is an effective method for calming the nerves. Although if you still want to do their job, without a knitting machine you can not do. It should be noted that knitting is a fairly advanced class. And you can start your business with knitting mittens, berets, socks and scarves. Relatives, friends and neighbors will be your first customer. In the future, you can start knit shawls, sweaters, vests, sweaters, blankets and capes. While knitting machine several times accelerates the creation of products, each knitting requires special attention. Remember that you knit for each individual client.

Knitting machines helped housewives make money and save them. It should be noted that you are able to bind not only for buyers but also for the home. You may need to think about purchasing a knitting machine. This is the act of which you will never regret.

Cutting Glass Glass Cutter

Glass – an amorphous substance consisting of oxides of silicon (the majority), as well as sodium and other elements. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. Its production is carried out by boiling in glass furnaces and the subsequent spill on the surface molten tin or punching – depending on what items to get. Under most conditions Pete Cashmore would agree. Glass is widely used in various industries: glazing of windows, furniture, construction of a packaging for liquids, create individual interior decoration. This material does not hinder the passage of light with sufficient strength, but at the same time and high fragility. Therefore, for a competent and effective glass treatment requires special tools and equipment. Glaziers an indispensable tool for cutting glass is a glass cutter. And if the choice was not rich before, now we can just get lost among variety of models.

Diamond glass cutter glass cutter very first of a tool, a work element is a small diamond. Such a model and now considered one of the best, not lost relevance even emergence of modern high-strength materials. Diamond is securely fastened to the tool holder using silver solder, which provides the necessary strength. Holder is slotted so as to make it easier to break off the narrow strips of glass, and wooden handle for ease of use with the tool. Diamond glass cutter can cut the glass sheet thickness of 10 mm and the "mileage" is no less than 10,000 m. At the cutting edge dulled a tool to We introduce another. Locking screw on the tool holder elevate and rotate the blade at 90 and then fixed.

Auto Tracking

To do this, PTZ Camera provides the ability to connect an external microphone and speaker, and supports "full duplex" when the operator and the visitor can listen and speak simultaneously. Support for auto-tracking objects Auto Tracking allows you to monitor the actions of people within range of the camera. Because of this, for video monitoring facilities can be used by only one IP-PTZ camera, Cisco, instead of several fixed. At the same time support the object will be implemented within a given sector within a specified time or until such time until the object goes beyond the boundaries of the zone of observation. Significantly, that PTZ Camera provides continuous tracking of a moving object directly under the camera, due to the presence of the function Auto-Flip, so the image when you view will always be correctly oriented. To configure operating parameters of the new camera and its subsequent administration can be locally or remotely from a PC via a web browser Internet Explorer 8.0 or means of specialized software. Each swing Series 2916 camera has a built-in software with open architecture, compatible with the Cisco Video Surveillance Manager (VMS) and software manufacturers such as Lenel, Pelco, Milestone, etc.

To control the tilting mechanism, these cameras support protocols Telemetry Coaxitron, Pelco D and Pelco P. An important feature of the rotary model is that the camera can transmit both analog and digital video. Cisco 2916 is designed based on 1/4-inch CCD-matrix EXview HAD, Sony, and provides resolution analog images and up to 540 TVL 704×576 pixels. at 25 / s – a digital. In addition, the PTZ camera is switchable IR cut filter and is able to broadcast color / monochrome video at a minimum illumination of 0.015 / 0.00015 lux, and also supports LowLight to compensate for low light scenes observations and provides a full range of quality settings for video. Along with the traditional MPEG-4 and M-JPEG turning the Cisco 2916 support advanced compression algorithm H.264, through the use of which is at least halved the bitrate, while maintaining the image quality is ensured and reducing the load on the network. When working with the codec H.264 PTZ Camera offers a choice of interlaced or progressive scan. Supports UPnP service allows you to automatically configure the camera on an Ethernet, a function Autonegotiate – set the optimum data rate, and the DHCP protocol – Get a free IP-address.

The new speed dome camera surveillance Cisco 2916 "Day / Night" has already entered the Russian market. For more information on these cameras, and other rotary model Cisco, send your request on or contact the multichannel phone (495) 937-9057 Sales Department "ARMO-Systems", which is an official partner of Cisco's solutions for video surveillance systems, or in regional offices, "Armo". Cisco – the world leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate. Information about Cisco and ongoing news sites and.

Italian Power Equipment

"Italy comes to the Germans" (Italian stallions against German iron horses) are increasingly in recent times builders make their choice in favor of the Italian power equipment, choosing his favorites to the Germans. professionals with expertise in many of the subtleties of equipment, choose their tasks under this Italian brands. Hot water boilers Unical, models MODAL, ELLPREX, deserve special attention. A number of very convenient technical solutions such as the door of the boiler, having the opportunity to open up and left and right, universal burner plate, burner allows you to set any manufacturer, place pots Unical of the most popular and beloved consumer. Another of the perceived benefits of Boiler Plant Unical, MODAL and ELLPREX furnace is elliptical rather than a standard cylindrical. This contributes to a significant decrease in the formation of condensation gives opportunity to give a nominal efficiency of boilers in Unical 92%. If, however, analyze the market of heating equipment in general, but now the situation is gradually shifting in favor of the young (and not), but at the same time ambitious players willing to offer an adequate, quality product. At the same time, unlike the giants of the market, the players of lower rank more accommodating, loyal, and try to work now, not to capture the market, not at the rapid rate of economic growth, both at work to create a favorable image and information situation in the industry, developing their marketing communications, a favorable attitude of the consumer.

Such market situation provides a good 'working' the competition, forcing leaders to accelerate and catch up to keep up, rising higher and higher your level. Leaders – certainly the Germans, Italians are catching up and catching up with a small behind, offering, however, is very, very interesting technical and markettingovye solutions. Some dealers of power boilers are ready to offer a pleasant seasonal bonuses, allowing for the escape Italian equipment brand Unical tangible discounts. Interesting conditions on Unical Modal. See if you can call (495) 620-59-37, or write to e-mail Lain Technology