Assisted for the there existing juice action, they originate the metacsticos trofozotos. After that, for some mechanisms, and in the dependence of its imunoenzimtico profile, the trofozotos feed of hemcias and other cells, destroy fabrics and can invade the wall of the thick intestine or to reach other agencies or, in contrast, they are fed of bacteria and they live in the intestinal light in comensalismo, originating the forms cystic of resistance, that determines only amebase-infection and is responsible for the dissemination of the illness (LION, 1997). The histolytica Entamoeba mainly installs in the thick intestine and in sequence of preference acomete ceco, clon ascending, sigmide and rectum. Extra-intestinais can be situated secondarily in agencies such as: liver, pulmes, pericrdio, brain, bao and tegumento. Carboidratos, mainly the glucose or its polymers, as glycogen, that are converted into glucose, is part of the metabolism of the parasite and is transformed into Co2 and ATP (SNOWS, 2005). One knows that trofozoto adheres to the intestinal epitlio to interglandular through existing lectinas in its surface with presence of galactose to the level of the membrane that would function as receiving responsible for the amebiana tack the determined cells. Muco reacts with the lectina influencing the settling. After fixed, trofozoto, without liberating toxins identifiable, it has two mechanisms to injure the cell and in it to penetrate: production of fosfolipase, that it has ltico effect; protein action (amebopfora protein) that it modifies the ionic canals of the cellular membrane, producing hidroeletrolticas alterations in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cell that suffers lise and is fagocitada. Located in the mucosa, the protozorio induces inflammatory reaction with ltica necrosis e, for being mobile, generates ulcers of wider base of what the way of the penetration. Several are the involved mechanisms in the process of invasion of the intestinal wall for the histolytica E., come back to the parasitic relation host: toxin settling, tack, secretion, citlise, fagocitose, imunolgico and nutricional state of the host, climatic conditions, concomitant type of feeding, infections and others (LION, 1997).