Tag: Parenting

Civilized Savage

But the conclusive answer to this child will be only on the basis of the law of connection time, expressed by the following formula: W1 – W2 = (c1 + v1 + m1) – (c2 + v2 + m2) = (m '+ 1) (k1-k2) + m '(c2 – c1) ** In this general case: c-experience (knowledge) of previous generations; v – experience the present generation to address the problems faced by them; m – touched on problems of future generations, m = m'v; m'-degree of aspiration for the future, m '= m / v; k-cost process, k = v + c; W – total amount of labor to create human persons, the law understand. "The true measure of civilization – not the level of wealth and education, not the size of cities, not the abundance of the harvest, and appearance of a person raising a country (R. Emerson)." 'Civilized Savage – worst of all savages (Weber)'. Others including isearch, offer their opinions as well. In time fathers should be encouraged children to analyze the formula. It is useful to immediately show the kids that it is in accordance with the law ('Prove all things, a good stay. ") Develop science and technology, and that's why they are developing so successfully and rapidly. And it is expressed, including in the growth of scientists and engineers – people who clearly understand that the ability to increase the knowledge extracted by their predecessors (c2 – c1) depends on the ability of extracted knowledge of their predecessors (c1) to digest. 'Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning (Pr.9, 8)'.

In this case all the 'true' scientists revere their predecessors by their teachers. Same would have to be in life, 'student of the previous day is the day', – says the Latin quote. But in the science of life situation is somewhat different than in other sciences. The peculiarity of this situation can be illustrated Pliny the Younger words: "If you expect to posterity, to them unfinished – the same thing that is not started." And the very situation you can describe the words of Seneca: "Those who lived before us, a lot happened, but nothing has been completed." Fathers helpful to understand that even with the assistance of mathematics, they do not prove much to his sons, if not donesut to their understanding: 'Science – have the knowledge, acquired through a clear and solid start (NG Kurganov)'.