Tag: people & biographies

The Radiation Leads To Success

Petra Schuseil in an interview with the existential expat and Petra of coach of pace of life Schuseil coaches and supports women to discover their genius so that they occur successfully and confidently. Successful and independent women want more. You know, there’s more. You want to be authentic. Official site: Mashable. You want to find their vocation. Even business women ask themselves: what do I really? What is my calling? What makes me happy? What makes me? What makes me?” The word comes from the Latin genius.

In the Roman religion, the genius was the personal guardian spirit of the man. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kai-Fu Lee by clicking through. The Greeks and Romans claimed the genius is present with the birth. Like a guardian angel, he accompanied the person through life. The genius is the leitmotif. What is it, what’s behind all the actions is? What motivates people? What (even unconscious) objectives? The online magazine for women in the economy was initially as a monthly magazine edited…

well there at regular intervals (every two weeks) to read a newsletter online. The online magazine informed about entrepreneurs, told interesting stories, role models or inspired by interviews with self-employed women. Andrea Blome, the Publisher, asked Petra Schuseil about our pace of life. The link to the interview:… Frankfurt, July 2, 2010 Petra Schuseil