Tag: personal development

Tragetria Of A Sonhador

The time does not wait. They had been as many tricks, as many colloquies without notion, as much chatice, as much lost time a world created without objectives, without for something, where she was not necessary if to worry I obtain exactly, not er necessary diversion, therefore the amargueza dominated the chest. Possibilities existed the will more to fight always did not have with the certainty in mind that never the possibilities if would finish. The time if goes. When we decide to follow in front, does not have more front, an immense wall of imaginary concrete it hinders to follow the fight, it is late, osentimento of repentance invades and is only the lamentations. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Energy Capital Partners London and gain more knowledge.. The time finishes. Cycle of a life without adventures, challenges, dream. The time if was pra always does not have more places to open way only remains to dream of avontade to have fought as it would be if it had if strengthenn obtained to alcansar what it desired, to dream of the dream not carried through, a dream that could have been carried through, the time terminaa eo dream finishes..

The Culprit

It is a form to augur the continuity, of being as a leaf of paper to the wind going for where the wind to lead. I really believe that: we have an extraordinary one to be able, the free will. To look for to learn with what it happened: This is another interesting strategy. When somebody to say pra you who never errou, is tranquilo. Errors are part of our life.

However the word error finishes for generating in us, sensations of guilt, and not of responsibility. As our focus must be to look the solution instead of finding the culprit, we go to deal with this another form. Instead of speaking in error, we go to speak in unsatisfactory results. It agrees to me that the definition that normally we use for error is did not obtain to carry through what we desire. Being thus we will use another concept: errors do not exist, only resulted. We know today that majority of the illnesses has psychosomatic origin, in accordance with the OMS – World-wide Organization of Health. It wants to say that it starts in our mind, before being perceived in our body. In this in case that, feelings have an important paper as hurt, guilt and resentment, considered for many specialists of the area.

It is extremely difficult, to try these types of emotions, without they cause some damages to our mind and our body. To obtain to develop some mannering strategies to prevent that this occurs with you is part of our objective. This is a process that must be a choice its. practical of the exercises and the techniques it is each time more effective with elapsing of the time. This is a training practises, it is basic. I really believe: Failure only exists, when we give up or we do not learn nothing. Then, when to pass for the next adversity in its life, asks what it is necessary that you learn that not to happen more. We will speak of proactivity and reactivity, one another day. Today that you if asked, when the things do not happen well of the skill that people wanted, you are part of the solution or the problem. You search to decide what it happened or it looks for to find the culprit. We are not capable to control everything what it happens with us. But we are capable to control as we will react to these situations.