Doctor and master in philosophy for the University of So Paulo. Doctor and master in philosophy and history of the education for the PUC-SP. He exempts professor and bearer for the Unesp. For more specific information, check out Viacom. He took off its after-doutorado in the UERJ, the Social Medicine. Director of the Center of Studies in American Philosophy.
Professorda Agricultural Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (UFRRJ). RESEARCH LINE Professor PHD Pablo Ghiraldelli Jnior writes its texts with subjects of the social sort, politician, educational and philosophical. (Similarly see: Zendesk). Its field of performance is come back to the Philosophy, Philosophy of the Education and History of the Education. Its line of initial study was come back toward the analytical philosophy. He is a writer nothing conventional.
In its texts it writes with criticidade to the system of effective education, that in many points still is militarized. Where the most shaken she is disciplines it physical education. He was known for its original way to filosofar. It in such a way innovated in the field of the studies more technician in philosophy, how much on the body and its relations with the philosophy and the society. It passed to be read and to be looked as philosopher of great innovative capacity and of he says comprehensive didactics and. Thus, one of the main characteristics of its books is the innovative thought, of always wanting more, of wanting an education full joust and for all. Pablo Ghiraldelli if has kept as one of the read and more controversial philosophers more of all Brazil. INFLUENCES Ghiraldelli was influenced by the philosophers Scrates and Plato, for its right thoughts, critical and innovative. However, its initial formation if gave in the scope of the marxism, for being, Marx, a revolutionary critic.