However, when observing the interests of knowledge, all the participants search to know the tools necessary to give continuity of the studies, to obtain a work chance and mainly to be part of the technological revolution that passes the education contemporary. When sailing for the Moodle Environment, I found a text that called me the attention: The Modality – ' ' Education in the distance ' ' of authorship of the Tutor Profa. Esp. Fabiana Marques Coast. when making this reading made, to remember me the course where my wife made in the distance in the Modality. Which the text is very real, with daily activities, therefore the devotion to the studies and the organization to the time have that well to be managed. Therefore, who not to make will have difficulties in concluding it. ' ' So that the pupil gets success in this modality of education, he must be intent the two factors of basic importance, one of them is the comprometimento of the pupil in interacting and to collaborate, sharing knowledge with the colleagues and professors by means of communication tools as fruns of debates, post office or lists of quarrel, beats papos (chat); as factor is the organization of the time to study, that is, the seriousness in managing its time of estudos' ' (BRANCHES; COAST, 2006). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Elon University has to say.
When knowing and going deep the Moodle Environment, the merit of this discovery can exactly be given to the indication of the reading of the book, Moodle: pedagogical strategies and study of case, organized for Lynn Alves, Daniela Barros and Alexandra Okada. the chapter that prevailed was: Moodle: Fashion, craze or Innovation in the Formation. That in my opinion I can detach that the Moodle is not fashion nor craze and yes an innovation in the formation with pedagogical strategies importantssima. Therefore, this platform has an intention to collaborate to know with its users and also it comes creating new faces for an open community.