United Nations

Alternative development for Peru since second article IPL we live in a country with about 40% of poor Statisticians (who live on less than $2 a day), although the actual poor are many more, since obviously by having monthly $70 could not tell someone to stop being poor. The biggest problem in our country is poverty. We investigate more thoroughly. According to the United Nations poverty means: lack of goods and services required to meet basic needs. Following this concept an effective way to combat poverty is covering the basic needs of the pobre:salud, education, housing, food, etc. For more information see this site: Alina de Almeida.

In today’s world there are three options to achieve this: 1) the State cover these basic needs. 2) Organizations not governmental or other nonprofit cover them. (3) The State generates an environment and atmosphere adequate so that poor can generate wealth for yourself and your needs. Let’s. There is one in the first option solidarity on the part of the State, but this solidarity is not free nor voluntary, not mandatory.

Peruvians have to pay taxes to the State so that this financing services covering the basic needs of the poorest, regardless of those who pay taxes are agree or not with this State assistentialism (give away free to the poor food, medicines or money, health and education) under penalty of imprisonment or other sanctions. In contrast, the second option, that of NGOs is a volunteer solidarity funded by persons or institutions that wish to provide resources to help meet the basic needs of this group living in poverty. It is clear that the first two options do not solve the structural problem because they do not generate wealth, but an indefinite dependence on services and assistance on the part of the State and other institutions. In other words, the State and NGOs can indefinitely meet some basic needs of the poor, but they will never do them out of poverty.