Vision Mind

We have a conscious mind or rational mind and a subconscious mind or emotional mind. The way we think (aware), provokes our feelings (subconscious) and our actions emerge from there. This waterfall mode is developed. At the same time we have an environment that surrounds us, and in which there are two forces: well: is all the positive, faith, happiness, optimism, etc. Evil: it is everything negative, fear, fear, selfishness, etc.

The choice is our what what you surrounded, it is that you will have the intellectual faculties hosted in the conscious mind: perception, reason, desire, memory, imagination and intuition; they are those that give us energy to carry out our actions. Through the display, these intellectual faculties produce a vibration, in the subconscious mind, which gives rise to the creative process. 1-Perception: is your point of view. Two persons have a same situation may have different interpretations. 2-Reason: is the ability to take individual thoughts and form an idea. 3-Will: is the concentration of power in a single idea 4-memory: depends on the training and exercising like any muscle, does not depend on features different anatomical. 5-Imagination: is something great by means of which we can have to fly our ideas and find those things that we like.

It also develops by the practice and this increases our creative ability. 6-Intuition: is perceived through a vibration, it captures. When you sintonizas with something, you attract it, you are on the same frequency and, therefore, you can hear it, you can see it, you can view it. Usually refers to the confrontation: faith vs seeing is believing. But if you understand that faith is the certainty of what you hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, are talking about visualization.