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One of the most striking features of the sponges is that most of at&T phones the cells that compose your body are totipotent, ie can be transformed into any other cell types to the needs of the animal. It is therefore considered that the sponges have a cellular organization, unlike the rest of metazoan organization which is tissue (tissue). Lack of true embryonic layers.
The general body shape of these animals is a “bag” with a large opening at the top, the kiss, which is where cell phone plans the water comes out, and many more or less small pores in the walls, which is where water. The filtration of the food produced in the inner chamber of the animal, and is conducted by a specialized and unique cell type AT&T cell phones of the Porifera, the coanocitos. These cells are very similar to protozoa coanoflagelados, so today there is little doubt that they are phylogenetically related. Sponges, the most primitive metazoans, probably had a common ancestor with the colonial coanoflagelados, perhaps similar to the current Proterospongia or Sphaeroeca that are simple aggregates of unicellular animals.
The sponges are practically unable cell phones to move, many do not have body symmetry and therefore do not have a defined shape, the need to grow indefinitely until they encounter another sponge in growth or an new cell phone plans obstacle, others are embedded in rock, drilled, etc.. A particular species may take different aspects depending on environmental conditions, such as the nature and inclination of the substrate, space availability, water currents, etc..
However, recent studies have shown that some sponges can actually move on the substrate cell phone deals from one site to another, but given their extremely slow (about 4 mm a day) the phenomenon had gone unnoticed.
Excretion, basically ammonia, and gas exchange occurs by simple diffusion, especially through the coanodermo.
Sponges have no mouth and digestive tract and the rest of metazoans depend on cell phones the intracellular digestion, which are pinocitosis phagocytosis and the mechanisms used for the ingestion of food. there are great plans for Nor have nerve cells.
Outline of feeding sponges. 1: The particle-laden water enters through the pores, 2 for large particles are swallowed by arqueocitos, 3 for the organic particles are digested intracellularly by AT&T arqueocitos 4: the inorganic particles (like grains of sand) are ejected in Channel exhalante, 5 small particles enter the resonance chamber and are swallowed up by the coanocitos that the transfer to arqueocitos 6: particles are digested intracellularly by arqueocitos. make sure to search for to inhalant cell phone plans.